
Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Wonderful Wordy Wednesday

Happy day after election day. As I finish this post I have no idea who has won, just happy all of the ads are going away! I spent most of Tuesday reading and bird watching out in my back yard. First day of Project Feeder Watch for me for the year. 

Some of the local state assembly and senate races have been reported. I am not staying up late to watch the results. I did watch some of the national results, but it all becomes rather repetitious after a while.

I voted last week, so didn't have to go out in the rain. Although it wasn't as wet and windy as they originally predicted. It was also rather warm for this time of year, temps in the 60s.

My TBR is down to 109 books. Amazing. First I have become more selective on what I add, scrubbed a few and have been reading a bit more too. I can read slower in some ways and enjoy it more. 

The Hidden Language of Cats: How They Have Us At Meow - author did her doctorate on the interaction of domestic cats. How cats react to each other and how they react to humans. Included are lovely line drawings of cats. Most of this I knew but she also had some interesting insights.

American Gun: The True Story of the AR-15, interesting reading from the development of the gun by one man, Eugene Stoner, to its numerous uses in mass shootings. The first part of the book is on the development of the gun mainly to sell to the US military for its killing power. Second part of the book is how it has been used by private citizens in mass shootings.

The Times written by a New York Times reporter, the books looks at the changing of the guard at the newspaper over a period of forty years. Changes in editors, the transition from purely paper edition, to a combination of paper and digital. Also some of the controversies that happened such as the plagiarism of Jayson Blair; the coverage that has won them multiple Pulitzer Prizes on various topics including the Challenger aftermath; and September 11 (for which they won seven Pulitzer Prizes). 

Happy Reading


  1. dood…eye will get book one and reed it two de gurl ‼️‼️๐Ÿ˜บ hope yur week a head iz grate and mumz two…knot much act shun heer in TT at de burd bathe any mor..
    ๐ŸŸ๐ŸŸ happee day ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ–ค๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ˜บ

  2. Books expand our minds, give us a respite from the daily grind, and teach us things that we'd never discover in any other way.


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