
Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Goodnight Sweet Eponine

Our heart go out to the Cowboy on his loss of his little Monster Eponine. The cowboy wonders what we kitties think when we see our humums naked. Well, I try to keep a straight face myself.
Take care Cowboy, I'll keep checking in on your progress.


  1. I can never keep a straight face!

  2. You look so furry pretty sittin like that. Wuz you helpin your Mum? I would like to put a link to your site on my blog, would that be OK?

  3. Oh that is such a great picture of you, Derby. You're so pretty! Much much prettier than any nekkid bean I ever saw. They're awfully funny looking without their removable fur.

    And your words to Cowboy are so sweet :) You're a very nice purrson!

  4. Derby, you look like you might be seein' somethin' that you don't want to see. me, i just close my eyes!!

  5. Boni told me you had a real pretty picture on your blog and she's right! You look very beautemous.

    When I see beans naked I always think why they weren't lucky enough to get nice pretty fur like us. It'd sure make them look nicer without clothes!

  6. Keeping a straight face is good! You made me laugh hard!! Thank you so much. - Eponine's Cowboy

  7. Me Always Need To Close Me Eyes To Avoid Trauma Of Seeing Naked Tushie! Me Say You Are Indeed Most Courageous!

  8. Ugh. Humans naked? I just close my eyes and pray the image isn't burned into my brain.


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