
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Time to Catch Up

It has been a nice quiet evening. I have had time to catch up with all of my fellow blogging felines. One special kitty is Eponine. She and the Cowboy needs our purrayers and support. Mum has gotted all sniffley reading about her and all of the comments on her blog. Let's all put our paws together, bow our heads and say a purrayer for Eponine and the Cowboy.
Mum could leave me have the 'puter tonight. She finished her big project at work today. So I don't have to sit here and watch her work. She is tired as she stayed up past her usual bedtime for a good number of nights. She even turned off the Packer game last night. She said the game was so bad it wasn't worth watching.

Mum gotted a Christmas card today with a comment that my picture se sent out was "adorable". Yes I am if I can be so humble. Also this same lady has a bunny that lives with them.
George, at Crew's Views, gotted in trouble for bending the blinds to look out the window and get at the heaty spot. I don't have any of those blind things at my house. But I can hide behind the big long curtins, watch outside AND sit on the heaty spot all at the same time. Plus mum is telling me to repost some pictures from the other day as they were so dark. She made them easier to see by majic with the 'puter. I was complaining the these little creatures are taking over my spaces to sit here in the house. Its my house. Give me my room.

Oh, mum is yawning, so am I. Time to turn off the 'puter. Time to go and snuggle in bed. 'Night.


  1. Mom quit the game at half time cause the Packers quit afore they ever came on the field...that's what she said anyhow!

  2. You gotta show those snowmen who's boss! Good job!


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