
Thursday, April 20, 2006

2 Lips

Vir-ginger wented outside with mum tonight. Lots more of the pretty flowers are opening up and lots more green stuff too coming up.
Mum even gotted the grass eating monster out for a few minutes. She said she gave the grass a quick trim. The weather is being nice, mum has the windows open, you can hear the birdies singing. I thinks spring is here to stay.


  1. ooh, such pretty flowers. Yum!

  2. your Mum has a very pretty garden. we only have a few daffodils growin' the twolips aren't bloomin' yet.

  3. Our daffys are bloomin, but not the two lips yet. It's a furry shadey garden an Mom hasn't finished doing that thing that kinda looks like she's brushing or combing the garden... baking?

  4. You're lucky to have those flowers. We used to have some irises left over from some other people who used to live here, but for some reason, everything on that side of our house is turning all brown. Maybe Caroline's boyfriend is peeing over there or something.

  5. We have some two-lips too!! Only one has opened up. We also have a few green things pokin' up a little. gotta go take a picture of them!!

  6. Hi Smiley Boy.....

    You look good, as usual. Lovely flowers too.....Mom says spring is here to stay in the Big Piney Woods was near 70 yesterday and they got all the raking done and Mom got a pile of poop!! A BIG pile...I shall have to post about it. Gigantuous pile of poop.

  7. You must be about 2-3 weeks ahead of us. Nothing near to blooming here yet. Stuff is about 1/2 way up. I know 'cause I have been using the flower bed as my outdoor litter box. -Shaggy

  8. Your human pet's flowers are so beautiful! My human pet would have killed them in three days.

  9. Vir-ginger and the flowers go well together. Derby seems to want to join her outside, but can he be trusted with the flowers the way Vir-ginger can?

  10. We have some ammm-er-ril-as that are very pretty (like me!) :-)

    Derby your Mom has very pretty flowers! Nice that Vir-ginger helps showcase them for everybody to see.


  11. You have more two-lips than we do. I love spring! I love flowers! Today was so warm it was like summer!

  12. Very pretty fleurs we's seein all over the blogs. It was nice here in CT till today when it gots all cold and yucky again. Mommy closed alla windows again and we chased the hot water heat (that we finally got back) through the pipes.

  13. I love that foto w/ Vir-ginger and Derby looking out the window. How cute!


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