
Monday, April 24, 2006

Things are Looking Up

Mum caughted me looking up the ceiling tonight. Just tracking the little fuzzy spider on the ceiling.


  1. Derby you better watch out! Yore bean will STEAL that bug from you!!! Don't let her see you watching the bug - make sure you look other places where there is no bugs so she will think you are seeing things. I was stalking a big bug one time and mom stoled him from me and mooshed him wif her big ugly foots. She din't even eat him! Stoopid beans.


  2. Oh Derby, you look all smiley as you watch the spider. Mittens would sit forever if she had to, then swat it with her big paw and play with it and torture it, and then eat it! Is your Moms ceiling all pinky salmon colored?

    Oh, and Bille, our cousin is a ginger GIRL, not a BOY, so her is specshul.

  3. You misunderstood our post Derby. We meant she is speshul cuz most gingers are boys...we knew you knew she was a girl, lol....

  4. Do you ever stare at the ceiling when there isn't anything there? Drives the people carzy. -Shaggy

  5. Get that buggie, Derby! Gettit!

  6. Oh spider watchin is fun, Derby. Did you get it?

  7. see, bugs on the ceiling is just ONE reason that I has to find a way to walk on the ceiling. - Miles

  8. Oh isn't that aggravting when you see a bug way up high and can't get it? Then to top it off, Mom says "Why aren't you getting that bug?". How does she expect us to do it!

  9. Meow! I´m a hunter fly haha! I like you look! =^^=

  10. Did you catch it? Was it tasty? My mum is terrified of spiders, she always has to be rescued by me or my dad if one turns up.


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