
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Finding a New Home - Part Two

One year ago today was the firsted day that I first spied the purrson who is now my mum. She came to the shelter and actually came in and looked at the kitties.
She went from cage to cage, looking at our little information tags. These tags said how old each kittie was, gender, other interesting facts about us. Mum said she didn't want to adopt a kittie who was a barn or farm stray, as she didn't know how well they would adapt to being an inside only kittie. My little sign said I was a boy, one and a half years old, all four paws de-clawed. Being re-homed as my firsted owner was put into a nursing home. Some one asked before if I ever see them now. No, mum wasn't told who she was, so wouldn't know how to contact them.

But as she came through she would try to get each of us to play with her. Some of the kitties didn't move, but not me. When she moved the little mousie by the door, I jumped on it and stuck my paw out to say 'Hi'. But she moved on visiting with all of the kitties, but then she lefted.

I thought, what a nice purrson. Come back and play with me some more.

To be continued....


  1. What a nice way to start your story! We know that it's gonna have a real happy ending, but we're lookin' forward to hearin' the details!

  2. Oh, we loves this story. Cant wait for the next chapter.

  3. awwwww Derbs, that is such a nice story. We can't wait for the next chapter eifer.

  4. We hope you weren't in the cage to long waiting for her to come back!

  5. Aw, Derby, we're so glad she came back for you. You must have stolen her heart. I bet she couldn't wait to get back to get you.

  6. TAG!

    We are glad your Mother came back for you!

  7. Adoption stories are cool. Thanks for starting us on your journey!

  8. Derby

    It just took an open paw for your Momma to fall in love wif you.


  9. ah ooops :::buries head in shame::: WM told us you started the tagging fun. So we are sorry to pick you again! Forgive us!

  10. My mama didn't leave. I gotted her to get me out of the cage I was in, and when I currled up on her shoulder and purrred in her ear, she was in love (I called it being a sucker, but I was desperate for a home).

    They made her buy a carrier for my safety(we now have three), and I went to my forever home that day.

    Sometimes it takes a while for the love to grow. I think mama loved me right away. I just thought she was trainable. The love came when I realized I had a true forever home, and not just a nice bean.

  11. Ooh, I like this story. Can't wait for the happy ending. I too know what it is like to be in the cat sanctuary waiting to be chosen. Of course, I was fast asleep when my mum arrived and could have missed her, but luckily for me my clever sister got both of us adopted - phew!

  12. ::purrpurr:: That's such a nice story. I can't wait fur the happy ending.

  13. Ooooo, Derby, what a good story!! Tell more, tell more! We can't wait to heer how it turns out.

    Finny & Buddy

  14. We're so happy your Mum found you and we have you for a friend!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.