
Friday, April 28, 2006

How Can I....

How can I get my food dish up here?


  1. You must use your Jedi Mind Power. Concentrate, concentrate. Levitate that dish!

  2. Ooohh we haven't gots up to the top of our frigerator yet. Mommy keeps too much junk up there so there's no room. If you squints your eyes really really hard maybe as princessmia says, the food will levitate up to you.

  3. Make it telerport. Make it say "Going to Derby's fridge top" seven times.

  4. wow, i've never been on top of our refrigermator. i don't think i want to either (i think it's dusty)

  5. Don't worry about getting your dish up there! Instead, work on getting that huge door open. My guess is that you will find the motherload inside.

  6. Wow, if you figure out a way, let me know!

  7. heehee - I've seen that same look on Moose's face! He likes the top of the entertainment center. Gives me a heart attack when he rolls over up there and is near the edge. Sometimes I start singing "the circle of life" from the Lion King, when he's standing and looking out at the room.

  8. We have too much human crunchies up there like chips & cereal. Otherwise that would be a prime hangout for me! -Scout
    Just make your mom put the dish up there. She's here to serve you right?-Shaggy

  9. HEY DUDE>>>>>
    Saturday next week is DERBY DAY! Are you doing anything special to celebrate??????

  10. We only have a short fridge under the counter and the microwave is on top of it, so I can't mountaineer up it like you. I don't actually jump on the kitchen counters either, my mum thinks it is because I am too fat and unathletic, the truth is, why should I when I can get her to put the food on floor level whenever I want??


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