
Sunday, April 30, 2006

2-4-6-8 Tulips

This is how the fronted of the house looks with all of the tulips in bloom. Lots of color to brighten our days. Even a little windmill to make it look good.

But mum says she needs to get some other stuff to grow here in the summer. Not much good stuff grows here after the tulips go bye, bye.


  1. mommy went out and gotted some alyssum, some jasmine, some kind of petunia that hangs down, and some coleus to start her pots for the front porch. I will make shur the takes pikshurs when she's done wif them.

  2. Those tulips look furry pretty! We have been enjoyin'the story of your 'doption!
    Mom's been busy so she hasn't been helpin' us read or comment much lately.

  3. Your tulips are pretty! Only 1 of ours come up. And none of the hyacinth. Momma am furry disappointed.

  4. we don't have many twolips 'cause the squirrels eat them all. we have lotsa other stuff comin' up tho.

  5. I loves coleus. And it grows nice in Wisconsin. Mama's aunt used to grow it, and mama gaved some to her dad once for father's day. They lived in Wisconsin.

  6. Oooh Derby they're pretty! We'd like to hide in them & go birding sometime.

  7. We used to have irises that somebody else planted a squillion years ago but those didn't bloom this year. Maybe because they knew I really wanted to eat them.

  8. Next weekend, in our neck o' the woods, we have the Tulip Time Festival. For the last few years, it's gotten warmer sooner and the tulips have bloomed early. While exciting for residents, the squillions of tourists who come for the festival were sadly disappointed to see bare stems because the tulips had come and gone already.

  9. That's sucha pretty picture of the flowers, Derby. It's so 'laxing to look at. ::purrpurrpurr::


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