
Monday, May 1, 2006


Mum caughted me looking out the windows very intently tonight. Wanna know what was so interesting out there???? Well?
Two, not one, but two buns!! They were eating some of the nice fresh growing grass. As long as they don't want to come inside and eat the grass mum grows for me.

Finny and Buddy had a couple of buns visit them too. Mum says these guys are probably distant cousins of Mr and Mrs Bernard.


  1. You got bunnies too?! We got bunnies that live under the shed, and once I tried crawling under to get them, but they got away.

    Two bunnies now, how many bunnies later...?

  2. Wow, you're lucky too. We have squillions of bunnies and prairie dogs but none of them live near me. Or, they probably do but they can't get into our yard.

    Well, we have nothing to eat in the yard anyway, so it wouldn't be very fun for them.

  3. You have buns too????

    Maamaaa! I want buns!!

    Mom: sorry sweetie, they live down the street and don't visit here. They have a huge yard to play in. We have a little garden and a parking lot.

  4. Great wildlife pic, Derby! Those bunnies are pretty cute; our mom wishes we'd have some visitors like that!

  5. We only have in our yard and they come out real early and munch in our yard and tear it up and Momma doesn't like it.


  6. Wow Derby!! Your buns are much bigger than Mr/Mrs Bernard! They are furry cute and I wood like to run run run chase them, woodn't you? Mom thinks I wood try to eat them if I coud, but I just want to play.


  7. meow! you have bonnies in you garden and me don´t have garden only a balcony sniff!! =^^=

  8. This must be the time of year for visting bunnies. We have some that are running around our yard like they own it or something! They get so bold that Dad had to put a fence around where Mom plants her veggies 'cause they'd steal all of them.

  9. Wow buns in the yard and those colourful tulips by the house, you are one lucky poodie Derby. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko

  10. We've got lots of them critters too. After all the rain mom says they are welcome to munch all the grass out there they want to. Less to mow. We have an albino squirrel too. Gotta be quick with the camera & get a pic of him sometime.

  11. You're so lucky to have rabbit visitors. We don't get rabbits here. Maybe I could get a picture of Posse, but I think that would take a lot of patience since Posse is an opossum.


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