
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Race Ya

Hee hee. I usually go with mum when she heads to the dungeon. Plus I always win the race back up the stairs. It isn't even close, sometimes I wait until she almost catches up. But then I sprint ahead to win.

I've been practicing my speedracing and high jumping lots the past few days. Don't want to peak too soon for the Catolympics. But need to be in shape.


  1. Oh you're doin good with your practicin Derby. I bet you'll be awful hard to beat!

    I been thinkin bout it, and it's kinda weird bout your friend Vir-Ginger, cuz I live in Vir-Ginger!!! I don't think I live in your friend tho. But it's kinda cool bout the same names.

  2. Good on ya. I really need to think about practicing. That just seems like work, though...

  3. is that your basement stairs? gosh, they're a lot prettier than my basement stairs....

  4. HA! That's how I race mom up the steps! I love to stop & tease her then ZOOM to the top! -Scout

  5. Yes, we ALWAYS beat Mom to the top of the stairs (down too!) Humans are so slow. How do they deal with it?

  6. It has been my duty for many years now to see my people off from the top of the stairs AND greet them at the bottom. What happens in between is not my fault.

  7. We have a spiral starcase.
    I follow the mommy down and make her stop and kiss me every other step.

  8. Oooh, you have stairs? I love stairs. We don't have stairs but my bean gramma does at her house. We stayed there when Hurricane Rita came to Texas. I loved racing up and down those stairs!

  9. Oh, this makes me mad, Derby. I had a comment already, and then blogger ate it up!

    I wanted to tell you that you am quite the runner, you beat me everytime we raced up the stairs, at the party. Mom is busy getting the racing track in tiptop shape, raking and getting it all olympified.


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