
Monday, April 10, 2006

Linen Closet

Mum filled the closet back up so I won't totally get to take over the place for my own. But I do have enough space to get in and hide. Provided of course that mum leaves the door open, which she doesn't do very often. Mum said no to redecorating. Although after all of the comments about how the gold set off my coats so nicely, the current color scheme grew on me.

Lots of the kitties showed up at The Calico Girls for a dance party yesterday. We had lots of fun dancing, visiting and snacking.


  1. I wished humans decorated with us in mind. They never takes the kitties into consideration.

  2. Our mom has been meaning to tackle our hall closet for awhile. It's a fright! Sorry we couldn't come to the party this weekend...we missed seeing you and your dancin'feet!

  3. It would be nice if Mommy decorated our house to match us. We think cream and brown rooms would be furry purrty.

  4. This pic just goes to show you can make any space comfortable if you contort your body appropriately!

    Nicely done, Derby!

  5. The gold does set off your coat ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko

  6. Oh Derbs, I'm bummed that I missed the party and didn't get a chance to dance with you. You are looking good loungin in the closet!

  7. Looks very cozy! My mom's pretty careful about not letting me get into the closets, but I did get about halfway into a kitchen drawer yesterday.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.