
Saturday, April 8, 2006

Smiley Boy?

This is how I was this morning. Mum, I know it is early in the day, but I want to play and play now. Put down the paper, leave your breakfast and play. NOW.

Patches Lady and the rest of the Calico Girls think I am a Smiley Boy, 'cuz I usually look happy. Just to show you that I can show my feisty side when needed. That is why mum thinks I am sassy. She says I was being quite a handful this morning. Well, you are home and I want to play. So don't ignore me.

The big pond from yesterday isn't very deep, so not suitable for boating, even a canoe. It was cold here this morning and it even had a little ice on it. Mum says with a few days and no more rain it will go away.

Mum is getting ready to watch the NCAA hockey final on the TV later. The Wisconsin Badgers are playing Boston College. We hope Bucky Badger wins.

Plus mum wented downtown yesterday with a friend to the musuem to look at some fancy stuff from the Vatican. Says she saw lots of people that had shirt or other name tags from the Fighting Sioux. That is the school that Scooby, Shaggy and Scout's mum wanted to win. But they losted on Thursday so, we won't have a kitty battle between SS&S's mom and my mum. Maybe thats a good thing.


  1. Efurrycat should be feisty sometimes just to keep the humans on their toes, Derby. I have been supervising my humans gardening today. My mum was cleaning out the pond (phew! stinky mud!) and my dad was trying to get up old rose stumps with a crowbar, failing miserably and swearing a lot. Hee hee.

  2. Hi Smiley Boy......Guess what....Mom redid our blog and it is going to preview tomorrow.....AND....we are having a party to celebrate...shh....its a secrit till can see my profile picher changed, now it is both of us cuz mom says I shouldnt be selfish. Can you tell what color it is by the picher??(Hint...Mom's favorite)

  3. Ok Derby. The Badgers just won. The only reason they won is 'cause mom was cheering for Boston College. The team mom wants to win usually never does. But she is proud of the Fighting Sioux for getting to the finals...even if they did play like crap when they got there! Cheers Bucky.

  4. I like being snarly - it stops Mama thinging she's in charge....


  5. My people mostly just watch teams when the Nittany Lions are playing. Of course.

    And I'm feisty when they stick me for my hydration. I know it's good for me - doesn't mean that I have to like it, tho.

  6. I like you little and sexy smile!!
    In April 15 I will be one years old! I hope that you coming to my birth party! and yours friend! =^^=

  7. Haha. I just told the Mom that she missed the NCAA finals and she's kicking herself. That's what she gets for studying so much the past week.

    As for being fiesty, I gave that up years ago. Requires too much energy.

  8. Every once in a while you have to show your sassy side ... keeps them in line.

    My dad was pulling for Miami (Ohio) because that's where my Aunt Kelly goes but they lost earlier, too...


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