
Saturday, May 13, 2006

Before.....After, Plus a Cocktail Anniversary

Mum has been in and outs of the house all morning. Which I like 'cuz each time she comes back I gets a batch of coming home scritches. Plus each time coming back with more stuff. Even stuff for me. So when she tried to get my stuff onto the shelf she was running out of room.
So she figured it was time to take all of the stuff out and see if she could fit this stuff all in, but with more room. Plus with the door open for a long time I could check out all this stuff that she has in her that I thinks belongs to me. You know, treats, extra toys, the 'nip stash and such.
So she took all of the stuff out, got on a chair so she could reach the top shelf and manged to get all of the stuff back in, plus have one shelf all for my stuff. So now we both can see all of the goodies in here. There is one toy that I tried to pull out, but I couldn't get it to come out. Mum says that for now that toy has to stay in the cupboard. Says I already have one that I am playing with that is the same. She just gotted two when she saw them since she liked them. Plus I play with this a lot. You can open it up and put 'nip in it.
There is even room for me on this shelf too. Mum, can I just stay in here with the treats and 'nip? I will be just fine for now, OK? No? Oh, mum, what a spoil sport. But she did give me a bag of the tender vittles to try. Not bad for a change of pace.
Plus mum says she heared on the radio this morning that May 13, 2006 is the 200th anniversay of the cocktail. So that all poodins and beans should have their favorite tonight when the "sun gets over the yard arm"?? What ever that means. Well, now I have to decide what to have. A niptini, meowgarita, a russianless white russian? Maybe mum can dig out her book of drinks and whip me up something new!



  1. Cocktail time ... hmmm ... sounds intriguing. For us kitties, it sounds like a tall catnip sassaparilla (spelling correct?), and for kitty dad, a very tall rum cola.

  2. Derby,
    Can you send me an email so I can email you back? I want to explain to you about the links. Thanks. :)

  3. Oh, Derby, you have got the bestest cupboard ever! I am teleporting right on I come........

    Patches Lady

  4. Oh Patches, how nice of you to visit. Say hello to mum,::purrs and headbutts all around::

    See, lots of goodies here. My main food is in that big plastic thingy on the floor by my food dish. So this stuff is all extra. Treats, the stinky goodness supply, toys. But I haven't learned to open the door.

    Ohh, mum is so nice, opening a pouch of Tender Vittles for us. Nice snack.

    Hey, while your here, let me show you around.

  5. Derby, need your email address so I can update you on your part of the Catolympics (remember, you're an announcer).

  6. your "before" looks just like our cupboards - stuff crammed in with no organization whatsoever.....if I was in charge, it would be better organized

  7. My human pet does this a lot too as she is an organizational freak! Cleaning up and making room is just something the beans do. I have no idea why they waste such precious nap time on it, but if it makes them happy so be it.

    Also, salud on this special anniversary to you and your human pet!

  8. Derby you get to check out the coolest stuff like cupboards and the smelly basement and stuff. And now you get to have cat-cocktail too?
    Tell your Mum Happy Mother's Day!

  9. That cupboard is SO full of kitty stuff for you, Derby! You are a lucky cat. My stuff only takes up one shelf but it is a big shelf. I think it is high time my mum tidied her cupboards, I will have to get her on the job.

  10. Our mom has several cupboards and a closet that need some attention! Could your mom come clean them for her as it appears ours is too lazy to get it done.

  11. Happy Mother's Day, Derby's Mom!
    ~ tammara


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