
Sunday, May 14, 2006

Off to the Kitty Spa

Happy Mum's Day to all of the mum's out there. Mum and I had a nice day, taking it easy. Mum said I didn't need to get her anything, flowers, candy or such. Said just having me is the bestest purresent. Aww, mum you know the right things to say to me.

Mum is off to visting people out of town for business. So I gets to go to the spa in a little bit. Mum says they won't let me blog from this place. Guess they don't believe that we kitties do this sortta thing.

So catch you all in a bit. I will give you a report on the place when I gets back. Take care.


  1. Have fun at the Spa Derby!

    Happy Mommy's day Derby's Mommy!

  2. Have a good time at the spa! happy Mother's day to you rmOm!

  3. I hope you have a real good time at the spa, Derby! Does Vir-ginger get to go to the spa too? Lated happy Mother's day to your Mom :)

    Boni, Sanjee and Mini

  4. Happy Moffer's Day Derby's Mom! Sometimes it's good when kitties don't bring their Mommas purresents......

  5. Hope you have a wonderful day! You are brave to go to the spa by yourself. I hope you have fun. Will you get a message and facial?

    Patches Lady

  6. Hope you had a relaxing time at the kitty spa. Did you meet anyone new? You know, we kitty bloggers must use every opportunity to promote ourselves!

  7. Derby

    Did you get the famous swedish kittie massage and facial?


    PS Happy Mum's day to your Momma!!

  8. Just don't let them give you a mani/pedi! I would steer clear of that!

  9. Oooo! Make sure you steam the face! Steaming the face is oh so relaxing!

    Happy Mother's Day to your human pet as well!

  10. I hope you enjoy the spa, Derby. We'll be waiting to hear what it was like!

  11. Have fun Derby ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO


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