
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Catching Up

Firsted, mum messed up yesterday. When she picked me up, she was so happy to get me that she forgotted something. When I wented to the spa she let me take my blue mousie with me. My favorite toy. But then she forgotted to bring it home with me. So she called them and yes they had it. So mum wented and picked it up for me. Thanks mum for getting it back for me.

Well, I managed to do a quick pass through what has happened over the past few days. What worried me the most is Edsel. But he is back home now, safe and not on the lam from the long arm of the law. He went to hang with the Calico Girls for a few days. The girls and their mum is a good place to hang.

Well, mum's trip. She wented some where with a lake that had champagne in it. That was a business trip?? Wait, mum is saying it was a town on Lake Champlain, not a lake of champagne. Oh sorry, hehe. And she did bring me back something. A little teddy bear from Vermont, so she gotted another bear but will share this one with me. As soon as I gots home I went to gets a snack and she putted it down by me. Thanks mum!
So she and the other person who wented on the trip gotted lots of works done and trained some people to do new stuff. They even hadded a nice view of the lake from the hotel She gotted a few pictures from her room and from a place where they ate dinner one night.
They had some rainy times so not many really nice pictures. And on the planes rides mum said she flew over the area where the Meezers are from. And on the way back had to stop and find a new airplane to ride in the mitten state. Edsel, Kukka and Brach lives in the mitten state, but mum said she didn't see them.

Anyway, that is the scoop on the trip. It was nice last night we just cuddled on the couch and I got lots of scritches, mum told me her stories and she showed me the pictures. So I guess things are getting back to normal.


  1. So glad your Mom is back. What a nice surprise she gave you too.

    It was a citing time with Edsel here. We got to know him real well. Like Mom said, he is quite the guy! Very nice and polite.

    Now our talking machine is going crazy, sometimes we have a dial tone, sometimes not, so sometimes we can't even blog! The phone company said they can't fix it if it isnt broke, but IT IS, sometimes! So, if we disappear, you know it is our stupid phone.

    Patches Lady (Smiley Girl)

  2. Lake Champlain is a furry nice place mine Mom says. She used to go there when she was little and catched lots of fishies. Have fun playin' wif your new Vermont bear.

  3. It sounds like your human pet had a fantastic trip. Those pictures are very gorgeous. It looks simply serene! That was also really nice of her to think of you on the trip. That bear looks very eatable!

  4. Hey, my mom's been to Lake Champlain too! She says she went there a long long time ago for family vacations two summers in a row. But that was way before my time, so I'm not sure if she had as much fun as she could have.

  5. I likes your bear Derby!

  6. Our Mommy was just saying that your Mommy prolly flied right ofer our heads. Our Mommy loves the champagne lake. Sorrry it was so rainy for your Mom, it's been furry cold and wet spring here.

  7. Man! Had I known your mom was going to stop in Michigan, I would have made it a point to hang out at the airport to keep her company while she waited for her plane!


  8. What a nice beary gift. My mama loves bears! I don't have my own though. Lucky you!

    What a nice mama to go back and pick up your favorite toy that got lefted behind!

    I am glad you are catching up on all your snugglies with your mama. That's the best part, huh?

  9. Derbs

    What a nice werk trip your Momma took. (Are you sure she was werking?) Boo-tee-ful picfurs. It was sweet of her to bring you a black bear -- it is so cute.

    It was 'citin round her while you wuz gone. But efurrybody is safe and sound and now you're back and we's all here!


  10. Good thing you were able to get your blue mousie back. It would have been terrible if he was lost!

  11. Your mum had a good trip, and it sounds like you had a pretty good time at the spa too. Hey, Derby, I posted a smiley picture of me today - how do you think it compares with you, the original Smiley Boy?

  12. Hi, Derby,
    We're so glad your Mum came home safe and sound and with prezzies!
    Our beans go camping near Lake Champlain sometimes. They say it's very pretty and maybe has a monster living in it. Sorry to hear about the weather- it's still bad here, too.
    Cuddles and skritches are the best part of travel.

  13. I'm glad the spa saved your favorite mouse, I love my little mouse, it has nip in it.

  14. We heard Lake Champagne has a monster in it like Loch Ness. Did your Mom see it? ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO


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