
Friday, May 19, 2006

New Grass

Here I am supervising mum as she is putting the grass seeds into the dirt so they will grow. So I am checking this out. Don't think I wants to eat this stuff just yet.
Maybe in a week or so I will want to eat the grass. I am not a horse, I wants to eat the green stuff, not the seeds.

Mum maded a few changes to the blog. Thanks to The Crew who found the new kittie clocks. Now we have a ginger clock, not a red one. Plus mum took the old big counter away. Said it was counting all of her visits from work, but the BlogPatrol counter thingy sometimes isn't there. Oh, well.

Mum agrees that the champagne lake was a nice spot. Maybe a spot to go to sometime and not for work. Yes, she said she did work. But after they were done, she said they had to eat and have a place to sleep. So that is where she gotted her pictures, from the hotel room and a place where she had dinner one night.


  1. The Mom has been WAAAAYYYY too busy planting her own flowers to plant us any grasses! This seems a tad on the selfish side.

    We love the kitty clock and the look of the new counter. They don't have any calico clocks though.

    Patches Lady

  2. I have got a ginger clock too! They are the coolest!

  3. Our human pet hasn't ever planted grass for us. You must be extremely lucky, Derby!

    The clock is also nice. I think it reflects how Ginger is best!

  4. Show us a picshur when the grass is done growing.

  5. You are so helpful to your Mom Derby!


  6. You are so lucky to have grass planted for you ... we got a tin called "catnip garden" two years ago for Christmas and our humans haven't gotten around to planting it yet. --Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie

  7. Try to be patient, Derby. The grass will grow fast if your mum takes care of it. I know you'll make sure she remembers. :-)


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