
Thursday, June 1, 2006

Almost Down to 7 Lives

Thanks to all those concerned about my last post. I am OK, and mum didn't actually do anything to me. So not a whisker or hair was harmed on me. No cuts from the glass. So I don't need a spot to hide out at. She was just thinking of caticide. Yesterday was just not my day. More fun things happened much later in the day.

Mum wented to work as usual during the day and I hung out and napped at home, watched the birdes and such. When mum gotted home she worked outside, mowing the grass. Then she wented out to the store and bought some birdie food and a few other small items.

Mum was just sitting on the couch watching a little TV before going to bed. I grabbed at the empty bag, so she let me have the paper bag to play with. I was having so much fun with it. But somehow I must have moved my collar with my paw and it ended up, still fastened but around the back of my head and in my mouth. It was over my teeth, so I couldn't get it to slip back. Then I started gagging like crazy.

Mum was right there, but I was a panicky and didn't want to let her me help me at firsted. But she gotted me in a good hold, saw what the problem was and manged to get the collar off quickly. Thankfully she only uses collars with the quick snap disconnect, all you need is a really good pull, and they come open. Phew, mum to the rescue. She letted me go as soon as she had it off and for now she has left my collar off.

So I know mum loves me, otherwise I might be down to 7 lives now. Thanks mum.


  1. Derby, If you have this bad of a day for no reason, I hope if we have a Friday the 13th you stay in bed..whew...
    I am glad your momma has a pull away collar for you. I don't have one yet cause they are to big for me, but my momma said that is the kind I will get as soon as I grow some more.

  2. Whew...that wuz a close one Derbs. Glad that your Mum wuz near by to help.

  3. Derby, was you tryin to play horsey? That's not a good game. When I play in paper bags wif handles, Mom cuts the handles so I can't gets caught in them. That's no fun; I only almost got stucked once.
    Be careful, Derby pal! We needs you. Vir-ginger needs you.

  4. How awful. Our throats hurt just reading what happened to you. We;re so glad you're ok now (and that yur mama didn't wring your neck for breaking the thermometer thing. What was she thinking to put it on the speaker to begin with? -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie

  5. wow Derby, you shur hadded a rough day. Your mom should stay home wif you for a day.

  6. Derby, it am only 7 days till mine party. Puhlease don't use up a life a day anymore or you won't be able to come..........

  7. Close call, Derb! At least Moms are good for something!

  8. Sounds like you had a tough day, Derby. Good thing your mom was there to save you from the collar! I think you should take today off.

  9. I am definitely glad you are ok!
    Whew what a time you have been having..

  10. Gosh, you've used 2 lives in 2 days! Take it easy, man. You're young yet and should save the remaining 7 for the future.


  11. That's horrible! What a scary feeling to be choking like that! Thank goodness your human pet was there to help you out. Two lives in two days though...I agree with The Crew: Take it easy. You don't want to have to live the rest of your life in a bubble filled with bubble wrap.

  12. Oh, no Derby, your lives are going way too fast.

    That is why Momma doesn't put collars on us. She says she would worry the whole time and she worries enough as it is.

    Patches Lady

  13. Ohhh, Derby, what a terrible experience! I am so glad you are OK, my ginger friend.

  14. Derby what a ghastly experience! We are glad it happened when she was at home. All us kitties should have a "National Take Off Your Collar" day to protest these devilish devices.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.