
Friday, June 2, 2006

Vir-ginger's Little Brofurs and Sisfurs

Vir-ginger has founded one her little brofurs. He got adopted by Bonnie Underfoot & Victor Tabbycat's family. His name is Charcoalie, Vir-ginger just calls him Charcie.

So Vir-ginger is sending lots of good vibes to him. She hopes that the rest of her littermates all ended up in good homes as well. A couple more are on their way to live with the Calico Girls. Crew's View says they have one too. Do you have one of her litter mates? Vir-ginger would love to know if you do, she says she was one of a HUGE litter. She said there was squillions in her litter.

She is sitting out front on the post, with her usual big smile. Waiting to hear from her littermates.
P.S. I am fine after my issues from the other day. No more mishaps and mum thinks I probably have all of my nine lives. Phew, I hope to stick around a while. But the good thing, at least for now, NO COLLAR!


  1. We is looking for Sunny and Cloudy to arrive. Momma....check the mail.......

    Patches Lady

  2. We're curious where Vir-ginger's litter comes from since we don't know where to look. We would love to adopt one of her brothers or sisters!

  3. M egusta mucho tu amigo silencioso!=^.^=

  4. What happened to you is the reason I don't wear a collar. I mean, they're probably worth it, for ID and all. . . but there's a slim chance disaster can result!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.