
Sunday, June 11, 2006

Inside-Outside Plants

This is for Bonnie Underfoot & Victor Tabbycat's mom. Mum moved her Christmas catci outside in late April. Mr. Jack Frost has stayed away and they will stay outside until Mr. Frost comes back in the fall. Mum says this helps them bloom better.
As you can see, Vir-ginger is on guard keep the plants safe from little outside furry creatures that might want to eat these plants. That would make mum furry unhappy.

Grampie came over this afternoon and mum fixed dinner by cooking outside. While she was standing waiting for stuff to cook, a hummer came by. No, not the big noisy thing with wheels, but a cute little flying hummer. It was feeding at the hanging baskets of impatience. Mum loves these little birdies and seeing them fly and feed. They are furry wonderful to see.

Mum didn't get anywhere with arranging the travel for our adoptees. I will keep you posted.

Many thanks to Oreo for hosting such a wonderful party this weekend. I have asked mum if I can host a party for all of the October kitties and she said YES!!!

So put the weekend of Oct 20-22 on your calendar now. Details to follow.

Please joing the prayer chain for Edselsmom tomorrow. Times are at the Calico Girls site.


  1. Momma has an iron wrough thingy to put plants in like yours, only it is black. It only has 3 holders and has pansies and marigolds in it.

    Momma was much sad when she went to Edsel's blog just now.

    Patches Lady

  2. Vir-ginger is doing a good job. I wonder what you have planned for October.

  3. We had a great time hanging out with you Derby! October is a great month for another blowout! Looking forward to it. Your mom sure has a nice touch with blooming things!

  4. Fanks for coming to mine party!! I REALLY enjoyed it! Good luck wiff yours! Momma says it am a LOT of work.

  5. Vir-ginger looks so happy guarding those plants.

  6. My Cat Couch saw a white hummer a long time ago. She said it was amazing. I've never seen one!

    We'll be thinking of Edselmom all day.

  7. Our 'beans have been gone so we didn't have access to the 'puter for awhile, but if you have any more adoptees, let us know. We need to even out the numbers here. More poodies. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko

  8. Do you get to "help" when your mum cooks outdoors? BTW: do you know whether the cactus on the top shelf in the holder is also called a Christmas catus? The other one looks just like the Christmas catus our human has but the one with wider leaves is very different.

  9. Derbs

    Your Mum plants always looks so good, my Momma needs to take lessons!

    OH wowie we're going to be able to adopt Ashes that is really great! He reminds me of my Jinxy!

    Wowie another blowout party in October, that sounds like a great idea. Can't wait to see what you have planned up your paw!



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