
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Just 'Alaxing

Found me a higher spot to rest and check things out on a nice lazy, Saturday. I have done my early morning practice for the Catolympics. A bit of running and some practice high jumps. Mum was trying to get pictures, but when she broughted out the flashy box thing, I quit jumping. hehehe. Can't give anything away.

However, mum is not 'alaxing. She has got the big clothes washy thing going in the dungeon, she has been to the store to buy food and treatsies, readed the paper, vacuumed the house and took care of the birdies food too. Phew. She is hoping to get time to work on getting all of the shipping things ready for all of the little kittie guys. We will miss them, but are furry happy that they are going to good homes.

Mandy - Fat Eric
Mango - Princess Mia
Ashes - *Abby - (we need your address, e-mail in comments of June 5)
Storm Cloud - Le Trois Chats
Inky - Tower Hill Mob
Blackie - Zeus (pending his mom's approval)

Here you can see they were gathered by the bench. I was keeping watch on them to make sure they were doing OK. Mum hasn't allowed them outside, as she is afraid they mighted get lost and we don't want that to happen.

Guess I will pop over to Oreo's party a bit later. Didn't stay very long last night. I wanted to spend some time with mum. It was a cool night here and I knew she would need her warm little snuggle guy.


  1. You look very relaxed there Derby. Do you have our address for sending Mandy? Wish it was cool here, it is so hot! It has cooled down outside in the garden a bit but upstairs in the house is furry hot - we don't have air conditioning here you know!

  2. You are your Moms sweet Smiley look like the boss man and the king of your domain!!! It is nice of your Mom to foster all those kitties and send them to everyone! I bet there aren't too many left at the Green Wall Shelter.

    Patches Lady

  3. Derby and Van Gogh -- such works of art! A fine portrait of Reclining Ginger Cat.

    (Guess she's not mad at you any more for the Galileo thermometer thingy...)

  4. Derby, you and your mum have been good foster parents. We can hardly wait to meet Storm Cloud.

  5. Looks like all of your Wall Greens Shelter kitties are goin' to wonderful homes - good job, Derby's mum!

  6. Hey Derby, that pikture behind you of the funny stars is just like one my Mommy's got! Our mommies must like the same funny stars. Your Mommy did good gettin homes for all the Wall Greens Shelter kitties! We made Mommy go to our Wall Greens Shelter and she dopted pets for me n Boni n Mini!!! I gotta get the flashy box and take piktures. Well, I'll make Mommy do it.

  7. U R such a handsome furry, as always!

  8. Yes, my human pet said I could have one! WOOHOO! Our e-mail is so we can exchange addresses.

  9. Derby,

    Thank you for taking good care of Mango for me! You look so cute lounging around you home. You are furry hamsome!



Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.