Hello everycat, could I please have your attention? Please, would all of the October cats join me here at the head table. Would the rest of the attendees please find a seat at a table.
First , thank you all for attending. I am pleased that so many of our furiends have come to this get together. Now I will have mum be our mistress of ceremony. Mum would like to say a few words about each of our October honorees.
DM: Thank you Derby. First let us all give a short silent purrayer for our fellow kitties who are ill or need to find homes. And a a brief moment of silence to remember those kitties who have gone to the Rainbow Bridge this year. I won't mention them by name, as I don't want to miss anycat.
Thank you all for attending and now on to our honorees for the weekend.
Boo is a charming tuxie cat living in Florida with her family, Abby, Gracie, Ping and Jinx. This is her second home and she has know a short time out on her own with her brofurs. But has responded well to the love and comfort her beans have given her.

Charlie was found as a stray outside a community theater. Officially Charlene Frances Jeanne she was adopted in October 2004 by a loving family in Florida. She shares this with the rest of the Feline Oligarchy, Alberta, Sky and Blackie.
Patches, Mitten and Mistrie three lovely ladies from the Big Piney Woods. CalicoMomToni decide to make things simple so these ladies of the Big Piney Woods have the same Purrthday. Patches and Mittens are calicos, MistrieRose is an outside kittie who share the Woods with her inside sisfurs. Mittens is unable to attend tonight, due to her recent tummy problems. We are honored to have Patches and Mistri here tonight.

Cooper is a fine looking girl ginger who lives with Monkeybunkey in Catifornia. She is just a year old, but turning from a cute kitten to a beautiful cat.
Tilly is one of the Tower Hill Mob. She is a lovely senior catizen and Gorgeous Ginger. She lives with her brofur Toby and beans in Massachusetts.
Bujang lives in Singapurr and celebrated his Gotcha Day on October 6. He is a fine tuxie who lives with his bean and two other kitties. He is a newcomer to blogging and is not in attendance tonight.
Pumpkin was found just a year ago as a very little kittie. He was dirty, hungry and probably just two weeks old. With lots of loving care, he has grown into a fine young cat. He lives in the lovely state of Hawaii.
Tyler and Jagger are from the same litter born just two short years ago. They had the good fortune to be adopted together by their beans early this year when their first owner had to give them up. They are waiting for the arrival of a little sticky one in a few months.
Fat Eric was adopted, along with his sister Hattie, just three years ago. Both were adult cats, but their loving beans have given them a good home in London. Sadly, Hattie has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Fat Eric is also the founder of The Gorgeous Ginger Group. He has a floofy coat of which he is very proud.
Victor Tabbycat was adopted just a year ago as a six month old kitten. He was brought in as a companion to his older sister Bonnie. But Bonnie was not pleased. Victor isn’t fazed by this at all. He likes bird watching, snuggling and eating!
Kismet was adopted just a year ago by his bean who originally lived in Whiskconsin. He is now four years old, a fine looking tabby who lives in the big city of Brooklyn, New York.
Punkin is a handsome ginger kittie who lives in Oklahoma with his family of beans and 3 other cats and some woofies. Lots of little woofies. He is about 10 years old and a mix of Maine Coon and other cat. And just a lovely ginger color.
Beau Beau was adopted by his beans just a year ago. He is a fine looking tabby over white cat. He works very hard as he is a project manager for the bathroom makeover. He has some hidden talents, but loves to play and run around the house.
George is another one of our fine Whiskconsin cats who lives near Derby and myself. He is the oldest of his cat family and has one brother and two sisters. Fine looking grey over white cat, who is now nine years old. He often takes on being the man of his house.
Scooby and Shaggy are brofurs who were both adopted in October some years ago. They have a little brofur, Scout. The live way up in Minnesota with beans who like hockey. They are both fine looking cats Tuxie and Norwegian Forest Cat.

Derby now a fantastic three year old ginger over white cat. The love of my life and such a good, if sometimes sassy, companion. You brighten my life and wish you and all of your kittie friends many more.

And to any cat out there who we do not yet know, who was born or adopted in October, we wish you well.
That concludes my comments. Please give a big purr to all of our honorees. And cue the caterer to bring in the food. Let the banquet begin!