
Saturday, October 21, 2006

Good Morning Party Animals


Rise and shine everyone. Mum said we were very good with sleeping last night. She said she slept well too. She thinks it was all of the purring. Plus she had a few kitties and buns who snuggled on her bed. And didn't sleep on her face.

Breakfast is served and once everyone gets some food we will start the days activities, tub hockey, cheer clinic, beauty tip sharing etc.
The cheer clinic will be under the tent in front of the house. You have more room to move around.The tub hockey will be in the back under the tent. Mum ordered extra bathtubs. So we can do more than one match at a time, plus a couple for warmup and pratices. So hockey participants, get ready.


  1. hehehehe. We sure spooked mum. She wented to take a shower. When she was done, we were all sitting there watching. EEK. So she wrapped the towel around her body and came out of the shower. Lots of us take a quick lick of the water on her legs to help her dry off.

    She is now presentable and having her breakfast. Also reading her paper. Seems we have a 'joker' living in the area who if furry in trouble with the law.

  2. Happy belated Birthday Derby.

  3. Happy Birthday Derby. The Lady has to go to her hunting work today and she said we could ALL go to your party. I am QUITE looking forward to playing with all the kitties and having some very good food.

    Gizzy loves to climb and I think he is going to find out if he can climb to the tippy top of that great tent. Jasmine is gonna find some good shrimp, and then a nice napping spot where she can watch the other kitties playing and gossip with some of the older ladycats.

    I really want some cake, and I can't WAIT to play tub hockey. See you later!

  4. Hi Millie and Ariel. Welcome. Things are starting slowly this morning. Help yourselves to the breakfast buffet.

  5. What a great nap! I hope the buns were good last night. Lando just loves to snuggle. I'm off for a quick walk around the tent, then I think I'll get some crunchies.

  6. good morning efurryone! We is 'acited about tub hockey!! YAY!

  7. Good morning Derby, everyone. Hi Millie! *waves paws* Momma wented to her workie this morning acause there is sum kinda prollem, she fed us stinky goodness and said we could come ofur as long as we behave ourselfs. Zippy and Sadie are looking forward to sharing byooty tips and I can't wate to play tub hocky, effen brot my own puck. O.K., so it's actooly a ping pong ball with beans in it. It makes a neet noyze when it flys around.

  8. Derby, the breakfast buffet was wonderful!!! -Sammy

    oh, that puck sounds like lots of fun!!! - Miles

  9. I think the ladies are beginning to get together, seems they are more interested in chatting at the moment. The Meezers are here and ready for hockey. So if you want to pick a tub and start, jump right in.

  10. Woohoo, tub hockey is the bestest game.~Speedy
    We gots to tell all the laddie cats about our nifty comb thingie that momma gots for us~Sadie and Zippy

  11. who wants to play us in tub hockey? - Miles

  12. I will, maybe you can gif me sum pointer. My sisfurs don't reely play tub hockey~Speedy

  13. Why not to start we will match Speedy and Sammy. Jump in and have at it guys.

    Miles, why don't you and Sabi get in this tub and have a go.

    Kimo, lets see. Why don't you and I get going for now.

  14. Speedy - Miles will play you one on one - he will teach you

  15. Speedy, just watch for a bit. It is just a simple thing of moving the puck down to the opposite end and getting it passed your opponent.

  16. Morning All! If I could get Blackie away from the breakfest buffet, we'd play. We'll watch Miles and Speedy to see how it's done first! -- Charlie

  17. Oh, I gots it now. Sadie reely duz play tub hockey and I nefer reelized it acause she jus sits and stick her paw out to block me. That's how it's done! She's reely good at tub hocky then.~Speedy

  18. Morning, efurryone! Mom says she has lotsa stuff to do today, but she said we could spend the day here! Can we still play tub hockey even if we can't comment? Great breakfast, Derby!

  19. Speedy - are you ready to try a game wif me? - Sammy

  20. Yes, efurry one can jump in and play. Strider, jump in here with Kimo. Smeagol, lets match you up with Blackie.

  21. Soon as I finish chewing, I'm ready! Glad to finally meet you Smeagol --Blackie

  22. sorry, I didn't mean to bump you so hard. - Sammy

  23. Miles, I thought you were playing Sabi. Did he chicken out?

  24. It's o.k. Mom says I'm 16 pounds of all man *tehe*~Speedy

  25. Nice to meet you, Blackie! ~Smeagol

    Good to finally meet you, Kimo! ~Strider

    (Mom says she hasta go right now, so we're gonna be quiet for awhile).

  26. Fanks Derby - I wasn't shur who I was playing. Hey Sabi!!! Wanna play?

  27. That's OK! We can play just fine without the Human's watching us. Let's try this out! -- Blackie

  28. That's ok Speedy - my mom says I am 14 lbs of mush, but I say it's muscle. - Sammy

  29. Just pair off. Play with against one kittie for a while, then switch off. If you want to do two-on-two, use the big tub.

  30. yeah Sammy, momma calls me her big man cat and then snuggles me like I'm a baby. It's o.k. tho, momma snuggles are the bestest~Speedy

  31. Hello, everyone! I'm going over to chat with the Jasmine and the ladies. Toby will leave the buffet when it runs out of food or he bursts...

  32. Toby may be a burst kitty. Pace yourself.

  33. The ladies seem awefully quiet this AM. Must be all that hush-hush female stuff then need to discuss.

  34. How hard is this blogging stuff. We've tried to get mom to start one for us but she says she doesn't haf time. I think she's just lazy~Zippy

  35. Hi Tilly -- I don't usually like parties or large gatherings to much - but it's really nice to see someone my own age here. Here's to us "Seniors"! -- Alberta

  36. Wow! lookie at all the tubs!

    hehehe Derby, we's just so sleepy and Mommy was too.

    good morning kitties!

  37. Zippy, it isn't that hard. You sign up, use one of the templates and type. Load picturs. Post when you can. Some kitties do every day, others every few days. So the timing is up to you.

  38. Miles! purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs *nose nuzzles*

  39. Is my girlfriendcat Sanjee here????? - Miles

  40. Hi Sanjee, Mini, Boni, Pepi and Gree. Welcome sleepy heads. Grab a bite and join in the fun.

  41. Hi Sanjee!!!! Wanna watch me play tub hockey? - Miles

  42. Cheers to you, Alberta! Us older ladies would rather doze and gossip than race around. We'll find a nice sunny spot and nibble and watch the festivities.
    I wish Fat Eric's sister Hattie hadn't gone to the bridge- I'll bet she had some interesting chat.

  43. Wow, Derby, we'll have to tell her that. She's really was really impressed when she found other Whiskerconsin cats here~Zippy

  44. Yeah! I'll be cheerleader hehehe
    ~~ Sanjee

    Ohhhhhhh food. I'll eat n watch! Come on Gree, let's check out that humongous buffet!
    ~~ Mini

  45. Oh, can I join you older ladies. I'll be ten next May. And I don't appreciate my younger brofur and sisfur acting crazy and chasing around alla time~Zippy

  46. Yes ... and Miss Trixie. We never got to meet at one of these gatherings. She seemed like a really interesting kitty, too who had such good stories to tell -- Alberta

  47. Trixie would haf loved this party - so many furriends for her to talk to. - Sammy

  48. Yes, the ladies have a nice spot for quiet visiting, away from the hectic hockey action. It is a nice spot, but not much sun this morning. Mr. Sun is just sort of peeking through the clouds.

  49. Oh, it's makes us sad that we didn't get to meet all the nice kitties that went to the bridge. Seems like we just found a bunch of them and they were gone. And we never really got to know them.~Zippy

  50. Wait a minute! I'm a "lady" and I want to play tub hockey -- Charlie

  51. What's this tub hockey thing? I've never heard of tub hockey. Shoot I've never heard of a tub. They look interesting tho
    ~~ Pepi

  52. It's o.k. Derby, the heated tent makes it very nice to lay in the grass. Quite comfy.~Zippy

  53. Yeah, we don't have these big gathering very often. But our community of bloggers is growing, so it is harder to keep up with everyone. I haven't even been blogging a year yet and I am one of the "old-timers".

  54. If we have athletic girl kitties who want to play tub hockey. Feel free to join in. And if we have any boy cats who aren't into sports, feel free to just sit and watch and cheer.

  55. It's 'amarkable, isn't it Derby? We has been blogging only since January, and it's amazing how many cat bloggers there are now. We used to be able to read all the blogs in an hour! - Sammy

  56. Yeah, now we can hardly get to all of the blogs in a whole two days sometimes! Lots of cat furriends :) Isn't it cool?
    ~~ Boni

  57. It is amazing about the blogging kitties. It was only last April when my Human and I sat down on a Saturday afternoon and posted my picture in our first blog entry. We had no idea there was this entire community out there! What a wonderful surprise it's been.

    Zippy, at 10 you're still a "youngster" but you are very welcome to sit with us older ones.

    We promise not to complain about our aches and pains. :-)

    -- Alberta

  58. Oh, momma has to split the reading of the bloggies. It takes hours. Ten years ago she struck up a friendship of sorts with Lisaviolet. She had a website dedicated to her then 20 cats. Now she has about 32 and their are soo many blogs for kitties.~Sadie

  59. It is cool to find so many online furriends. I notice on the CatBlogoshphere this morning, someone asking about RadioCats for thyroid. Mum said Grampie had this for his thyroid and it worked.

  60. Charlie, I played tub hockey in the CatOlympics this year. Girl cats can play too.
    ~~ Sanjee

  61. Hey Sanjee, do you wanna play me in tub hockey? Or do you wanna be a team and try and find two ofurr cats to play? - Miles

  62. Oh, Alberta, complain. I'll join in. Momma got me as a two month old kitty who was living under a porch. I'd been attacked by woofies and hit by a car. Now I have lots of aches. I have messed up front feet and no claws, not because I was declawed, but because of the car accident~Zippy

  63. Miles, Speedy and I would love to play you and Sanjee~Sadie

  64. Thanks Sanjee! Just didn't feel like sitting around talking all day. -- Charlie

  65. Mum and I manage most nights to at least breeze through everyones blog. But we use Mozilla Firefox so we can open lots of links at the same time. Mum has folders of 25 blogs per folder. She clicks through, but then our main, original group we read purrty much every day.

    But some of our linkies, they haven't posted since June or July. So mum moved them into a folder we may only check once a week.

  66. Can we play later Miles? I's not awake yet. I can cheer and eat some of this yummy buffet and that'll wake me up enough. Oh, would you teach Pepi to play? He never been in a tub before! hehehe
    ~~ Sanjee

    I'll play you Miles, if you'll teach me.
    ~~ Pepi

  67. Hi Sidney and Nero!
    ~~ Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi and Gree

  68. Hi Sidney and Nero. Welcome, glad you could drop in.

  69. Sadie and I will play any girl-boy team who want to. Sadie tought me tub hockey and I didn't effun know it. She's really good, fur a girl~Speedy

  70. Excuse my brofur, he thinks that acuz he's the only boy kitty in the fambly he's the boss of us. Not true, Zippy is the boss! When she says move we do it~Sadie

  71. 'morning Frisky. That's some tail there to be a duster hehehe
    ~~ Boni

  72. Hi Frisky. I think lots of kitties slept in this AM. We do have to keep our beans happy by being around a little bit.

  73. You two behave yourselves or I'll take you home. Mom says she's leaving work and has to go grocery shopping and to pick up the grandbeans birthday present and I'm now in charge. And you know what I like, nice, well behaved, QUIET, youngsters~Zippy

  74. Mini's madly in love wif food. hehehe
    ~~ Sanjee

  75. I thinks we are all single! I haven't heard of cat marriage! Maybe except for Chaotic Cat whose mum specially brings boy and girl kitties together.

  76. Frisky, that could be a new in word "cut". hehehe.

  77. Pepi - shur! I will teach you - you will haf lots of fun- Miles

  78. Well there's single and there's single *eyes her boyfriendcat Miles and giggles*
    ~~ Sanjee

  79. Bye Frisky, make sure you clean your tail good after you dust. Don't bring those cooties back here!

  80. Hey great, Miles! I'm good at hunting, so maybe I'll be good at tub hockey too. Fanks bud.
    ~~ Pepi

  81. Pepi - you is good at tub hockey! - Miles *who seems to be distracted by his girlfriendcat Sanjee* -

  82. I'm learnin! *swatting for a goal*
    ~~ Pepi

  83. heh well it's easier with Sanjee distracting you. Keep it up Sanjee!
    (sisfurs are good for some things heheh)
    ~~ Pepi

    Oh gosh, I haf to cheers for bof sides! Go Pepi! Go Miles!
    ~~ Sanjee

  84. Hi Sanjee!!!! *oops, how did that puck get by me??** - Miles

  85. Derby, YUMMY buffet! Fanks lots. And tell your Mom it's sooper and fanks for her help too.
    *wipes face with a paw* Ohhhhhh and look at that over there. I gotta have some of that too.
    ~~ Mini

    Oopsy, Miles! I'll be quiet. Maybe.
    ~~ Sanjee

    Yes, yummy buffet, Derby. You and your Mom did a great job.
    ~~ Gree

  86. It is a yummy buffet. I wented inside and mum was making am omlet for herself. I don't want to distract Miles, but she was using ham.

  87. hehehe Yeah, that would distract him for sure!

  88. And that will be how all those goals get by him. Hey Miles, Ham!

  89. *giggles*
    ~~ Sanjee

    Oh is that the trick? I'll hafta remember that!
    ~~ Pepi

    Did someone say Ham?!?!?!?! Where?!?!?!
    ~~ Mini

  90. You shouldn't have mentioned omelet. Toby's wandered off to use his charms to wheedle some...
    I like watching the meezers play tub hockey. Don't you guys know tubs are for licking faucets?heehee.
    buffet is delicious. Thank goodness my medicine is working- I can appreciate it now. *purrs softly*

  91. Yes I see Toby over by mum now. Snuggling and giving her headbutts. I think it is working. But she is making sure he doesn't get any onjuns with what she give him.

  92. Yeah, onjuns can be furry bad for poodins. And it's no fun bein sicky.
    Good thing your meddycine is working!
    ~~ Sanjee

    Wish I coulda blamed my IBS on onjuns. But I feel better now and can eat ANYthing (well, any cat foods and treats heheheh)
    ~~ Mini

  93. Hi everycat! We three (except Mittens, who still feels poorly) came to help you celebrate. Precious is real interested in the beauty tips as she wants to know what to do with all the hair growing out of her ears. I am into the cheering and any beauty tips I can pick up along the way. Mistrie just wants to see Mia and Gree.....have they shown up yet?


  94. Gree is here. Mia is here but not commenting, as are many other cats. The Crew is here, Kim, Sabi. Lots others. The beans are out for the weekend and so are the cats!

    Sorry that Mittens won't be able to attend.

  95. Hi Patches and Mistrie :)
    ~~ Sanjee

    Mistrie!!! My bestest furriend! *headbutts* Good to see you!
    ~~ Gree

  96. Hey, the guys just finished getting the trampoline and slide put together outside. New post to continue the party!

  97. Hi Patches and Mistrie. *peeks around* Hi Precious, good to meet you. I'm Pepi.

    *waves a paw from by the buffet*
    hi all yall from the Big Piney Woods!
    ~~ Mini

    Oh, we're furry sorry that Mittens is still under the weather. Gree said she was going to bring yall goodies later, but I guess yall can get them now. hehehe
    Hi Precious, almost missed you there!
    ~~ Sanjee

  98. Oh Derby, I am having such fun on the trampoline. I can do somersalts, can you see me? And did you notice Jasmine over there playing hockey? Who'd have thought she'd have a slap shot like that?

    And Gizzy, well, he's been eating and drinking those Singapurr Slings, I don't think he'll be much fun at home tonight except maybe as a pillow.

    The cake was wonderful. I really liked those decorations on top.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.