It is a little cool out but lets head outside for now it is not raining. So it is a good time to get outside. The team has set the trampoline up and the slide too. Plus we can race up and down the hiking path, but beware of the beans and woofies. We don't want to get run over. The beans walk, run and ride bikes and bring their woofies with them.
Plus the tubs are still available for hockey. Or you can sit inside and watch what is going on.
hehehe yall are cute tumblin Can I try the slide? Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :: Sanjee slides down and tumbles into Miles n Derby :: Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Oh yeah, kittens have enough energy for twelve of me. hehehe I wish Edsel were here too. But I think he's got to stay home and look after his Mom. ~~ Boni
Mittens, Oh, so happy that you joined us. Yes, inside the tent. Tilly, Alberta and many of the other less energetic kitties are inside. If you need anything, please ask. Mum or I will get it for you.
Your ear fur looks very pretty, Precious. purrrrrrrrrs Pepi
Mittens! Oh we's glad you could come visit for a while! Mini will share some of her Purina EN wif you, I'm sure, so you can have somefin at the party. (She's eatin efurrything else in sight an will prolly be ill later) *nose nudges* Sanjee
Hi KC, welcome. We are just starting with playing outside. So feel free to run up and down the path. You don't necessarliy have to have a race. Pepi and I just tried the path out. Dry and fast.
Boy, will somebody help me with Precious....if she cuts her ear furs out, Momma will be really unhappy with me for not watching her good. Maybe somebody could go play with her....she loves bells, are there any around....get her mind off her silly ears.....
Precious, we all have fur in our ears. But some kitties have more. Look at Shaggy. He is a boy kittie with fur in his ears. And Ullrick, he had furry ears too. It just depends on what kind of kittie you are.
Precious, Ullrick's sisfur Vessa has the same type of ears. Lots of fur. It is just normal for you. It might be different than Patches, Mittens and Mistrie, but it is right for you.
Precious bounds off to play with her newfound friends, forgetting all about her ears. Mittens is sleeping after having some special food that Mini brought, Mistrie and Patches are off exploring.
Hey, evrybuddy! I can only spend abowt 2 minits heer becuz the Food Lady is abowt to leeve and tern off the compyooter, but I wanted to wish evrywun a happy gothca day/berthday!
Hey, grate trampoleen! I'm just gonna git a few jumps in before I have to go....!
Hi SS&S. Yes tub hockey is still going on. I think Sammy and Miles are still playing with Kimo and Sabi. Charlie, Speedy and others are over there too. Jump in. Pick a tub, any tub. hehe.
We've got to go help Mom with some work (like make her do it fast so we can come back hehehehe) We'll be back later! And I guess Gree will be back when she's done exploring with Mistrie and Patches. See you guys later. Don't haf all the fun wifout us! ~~ Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi
hi efurrybuddy! hey Derby - we got an e-mail from Jack. he wants ta come ta yur party but he sez he can't post unless he uses a-nonny-mouse. we don't know why, but that's what he sez. are Beta kitties still having problems wif signing in? anyway, he wanted us ta let ya know
Grr. Let Jack know mum will switch it over so Anonymous's can get in. We turned off the word verification, guess that got changed too. It should be ok now.
Yay! You got the Nonny Mouse-stick out of the way!!!
Morning everyone! Sorry we couldn't make it last night, the OTW was hogging the computer and I forgot it was partytime.
Seems to be going around here, the OTW was complaining last night because the Big One forgot to remind her about the party she has to go to tonight herself.
And hey, I brought Grumpybutt!
Hey Whisper! Say.......oh geez. I'm sorry guys, he must of smelled the tuna water on his way in.
Got no manners that cat. Doesn't even say hello before diving into the buffet! Well, just be careful how you say hi, he's funny about other cats. I just brought him 'cause I thought it would do him some good to get off the couch and go out.
Welcome Jack, we didn't mean to exclude the beta kitties. Yes, the buffet has been tempting most kitties as they come in. I think they have moved into less breakfast stuff and more into standard munchies. I know the chef is busy working on the banquet.
Thanks, Derby, that was a lot of fun to slide down. Let me see if I can get my brother Sky to join me next time. He doesn't want to sit and "talk with the ladies" but he's not feeling up to tub hockey either. And he can't possibly keep eating ALL afternoon. This might be his thing. ARe there some older guys here who might want to hang out with him? -- Charlie
Hi Derby, thanks for letting me come to your party!
It's ok about the block, lots of places are plagued by the Nonny Mouse-posts. Sticks? Posts? Yeah, that's it! The OTW said Nonny Mouse-Posts. Thought that sounded wrong the first time.
If they're starting to clear the breakfast stuff, I think I'll pad on over to the buffet first. See if there's anything interesting left. I'm on a special food diet most of the time and the OTW doesn't let me have many treats.
Then, I think tub hockey, if anyone's still playing.
Thanks. This is an excellent party with so many different interesting guests. But sometimes us older guys just want to hang with some other older guys. I'll go find George. -- Sky
The younger kitties are playing, some of the older ones are just watching. The young ones have been at the tub hockey almost non-stop since they got here.
O. I see then I will take some tuna water please. Tuna cause I'm a growing kitty. The Docktor said "Wow! You've grown over a pound in a month!" then he said "Look at those teeths, you gots some big cat teeths now, but still some little cat teeths too"
No. Just evil rat ringleader Ghetto and her side kick splash. I don't like em. But Ghetto says if I don't invite her, she'll eat my favorite toy and I'll nefur see it again. Plus, If I lets her come, maybe one of the big cats will eats her, like fat erik maybe, or Grrr.
I don'tthink your rat furriends would like to be here with 100's of cats. As they would most likely be mistaken for something to catch and kill. Part of our games.
So if Ghetto and Splash want to live they better stay home. And if they mess with your stuff, we will come over and get them.
Hey efurryone! We're here. We gotted into the puter while Mom is in Mewport RI. She's havin' a party by herself hee hee! Bet as not as much fun as what's going on here tho.
I hada pop home and say I wuz furry sorry fur baftin ahind da couch last nite. *sigh* I was playin hide and seek with Sadie and suddenly felt sicky. Mom's not furry happy with me~Speedy
No Derby, I barf if I start runnin right afur I eat no matter how much or little it is. Daddy is vacuumin and he sawed it, but he doesn't do the barfy clean up or momma would haf extra to clean-if yoo kno wut I mean~Speedy
ooh, i'm kind dizzy from that thing, i hope i don't barf....if i do, please 'xcuse me very much, i'm tryin' not to.......(goes over to a bush to rest...)
I'll join in the tub hockey now. My tummy's settled after all the munching earlier. (I don't think Mini's will efur settle tho, she eats all the time hehehe) * checks out the tub hocky tubs * ~~ Sanjee
I do not eat all the time! I nap too. And sit on laps. And play. And eat more. ~~ Mini
There should be jingle balls, glitter balls, ping pong balls and either fabric covered balls mum gotted a work to use as pucks. Pick what you like to use.
I knows to much about kitty luv, I've already haded a litter of kitties myownself. That's how's I gots my furever home. Ali founded us unner her bushes and gaved us to momma~Sadie
Zippy, that is good news. Let me know when you get it going or if you need help. Once you have your bloggy, we will put a post on the CatBlogosphere to let everyone know you are posting.
Somebeans just aren't as nice as cat beans! *hops in a tub* I's ready! ~~ Sanjee
* Pepi turns and wrassles Lil'One down * Pouncing! I'll show you pouncing! * pounces Lil'One and carefully whizzes her across the tub * You are the puck now! ~~ Pepi
* laughs and hugs LilOne* maybe this tub is for the kitty puck only? hehehe * scoots Lil'One along the tub again* I don't think she'll fall asleep... maybe until next week. hehehe ~~ Pepi
Lil'One, no you can't put the bitey on Pepi. You are in the middle of the hockey tub. Either play hockey or move out. If you don't play nice, mum will send you home. High energy is OK, bad manners is not OK.
Mistrie and me are back with Gree from sploring. We are going to take Mittens home now and will try to come back later.....Come on Precious......see you all later....
Bye Patches,Mistrie,Precious and Mittens. I am happy that Mittens gotted to come to the party even for a short time. Hope you enjoyed wanderring Whiskconsin.
Lil'One if you needs a nap, go inside the house and find one of the beds to snuggleon.We will be having a quiet time soon anyway. We all have to get ready for the honoring ceremony.
I don't fink Mini's gonna leave the buffett. hehehe But the rest of us camed out to see. Ohhhhhhh! A bouncy fing! cool!
ReplyDelete~~ Sanjee
Miles, just sit at the bottom for a minute, OK.
ReplyDeleteWEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. I love the slide. ::Derby slides down and rolls into Miles, they tumble across the yard::
If Mini just eats at the buffet all weekend, Mini won't be mini much longer.
ReplyDeletehehehe yall are cute tumblin
ReplyDeleteCan I try the slide? Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
:: Sanjee slides down and tumbles into Miles n Derby ::
Who wants to race down to the end of the path and back?
ReplyDeleteMini's not all that mini anyways. hehehe And Boni isn't furry "boney" anymore neither. No cat starves round our house!
ReplyDelete::pats her tummy::
~~ Gree
I'll race, Derby!
ReplyDelete~~ Pepi
Too bad Lil'One isn't here right now. This might wear the edge off all of her energy!
ReplyDeleteOK, who will be the starter and finishing judge for this race? Patches?
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, kittens have enough energy for twelve of me. hehehe I wish Edsel were here too. But I think he's got to stay home and look after his Mom.
ReplyDelete~~ Boni
Get ready Pepi, I am ready.
ReplyDeleteYes, I will
Boni can you start the race?
ReplyDeleteOn your mark get set........GO....
ReplyDeleteRun, run, run, running, faster, faster. Like a blur. All the way to the end of the trail. A quick turn and running, running. Gotta go faster.
ReplyDeleteWow, those two are speed demons......look at them go......they just turned around and are heading back.
ReplyDeleteHere they come, across the finish line.......the winner is.......
ReplyDelete*runrunrunrun run run run*
ReplyDeleteNooooooooo can't let Derby get in front of me!
~~ Pepi
ReplyDeleterunning running :: flops over after finish line ::
ReplyDeleteshew. You're FAST Derby!
~~ Pepi
Wow, you guys were neck and neck, not a whisker apart. I just couldn't tell...
ReplyDelete::totally out of breath:: whew, what a race.
ReplyDelete:: panting :: Oh gosh, too many crunchies. I'm out of shape.
ReplyDelete~~ Pepi
{Speaking very softly Precious says}......I want someone to tell me what to do with all this fur growing out of my ears, should I cut it out?
Wow, you are fast too Pepi. That was a good run, we didn't have any beans, bikes or woofies to avoid.
ReplyDeleteo, did's i misses tha race?
ReplyDeletei'll go jumps on tha tramp-pelline fur a whiles then...
Hi all......{waves paw to group}
ReplyDeleteI decided to come for a little while. Derby, is there a place I can lie down....
Mittens, you can't eat any of the food here, you know. Your bestest furrends, Miles and Sammy are here somewheres........
Mittens, Oh, so happy that you joined us. Yes, inside the tent. Tilly, Alberta and many of the other less energetic kitties are inside. If you need anything, please ask. Mum or I will get it for you.
ReplyDeleteYour ear fur looks very pretty, Precious.
Mittens! Oh we's glad you could come visit for a while! Mini will share some of her Purina EN wif you, I'm sure, so you can have somefin at the party. (She's eatin efurrything else in sight an will prolly be ill later)
*nose nudges*
Hi KC, welcome. We are just starting with playing outside. So feel free to run up and down the path. You don't necessarliy have to have a race. Pepi and I just tried the path out. Dry and fast.
ReplyDeleteOh thank you Derby, how nice. Happy Purrday to you, by the way.
ReplyDelete{Precious goes looking for scissors}
KC! My ree-purrter buddy! I didn't see you there almos! *headbutts* I's glad to see you!
ReplyDelete~~ Sanjee
*goes after Precious* Precious! Your ear fur looks cute. Don't cut it off!
ReplyDelete~~ Pepi
Boy, will somebody help me with Precious....if she cuts her ear furs out, Momma will be really unhappy with me for not watching her good. Maybe somebody could go play with her....she loves bells, are there any around....get her mind off her silly ears.....
Thanks Pepi......she has no respect for me, for some reason!!
Precious, we all have fur in our ears. But some kitties have more. Look at Shaggy. He is a boy kittie with fur in his ears. And Ullrick, he had furry ears too. It just depends on what kind of kittie you are.
ReplyDeletePatches, don't worry. All the sharp objects are away where we can't get at them.
ReplyDeleteI am going to explore with Mistrie. Mittens is napping. Could someone keep an eye on the Little Pest for a while?
Yeah, but Derby, I am a girl kitty......I am not supposed to be furry in the ears.
*finds a bell and jingles it* Precious, wanna play?
ReplyDelete~~ Pepi
*wanders over with a dish of Purina EN* You can share mine, Mittens.
~~ Mini
Patches, sisfurs can be soooooooo much trubble sometimes. hehehe
~~ Sanjee
Wow, look at KC on the trampoline. She's bouncing really high, specially for such a small kitty!
~~ Boni
Sure, Precious will be fine with Tilly and Alberta.
ReplyDeleteGirl kitties of special kinds have fur in their ears, Precious. Just depends on what breed.
ReplyDelete~~ Boni
Can I come explore with you Mistrie and Patches?
ReplyDelete~~ Gree
Precious, Ullrick's sisfur Vessa has the same type of ears. Lots of fur. It is just normal for you. It might be different than Patches, Mittens and Mistrie, but it is right for you.
ReplyDeletePrecious bounds off to play with her newfound friends, forgetting all about her ears. Mittens is sleeping after having some special food that Mini brought, Mistrie and Patches are off exploring.
ReplyDeleteYes, Gree...come on....
ReplyDeleteCool, we can catch up Mistrie :)
ReplyDelete* Gree goes off exploring with Mistrie and Patches *
I think I'll try the trampoline.
ReplyDelete~~ Mini
* Sanjee grabs Mini * Oh noooooooooo. Not til you've digested sum! It's rude to frow up all ofur Derby's party!!!
ReplyDeleteWe're getting a late start today!
* Mini hisses at Sanjee * let go of me. Ok ok. I'll rest with Mittens. I don't want to be rude at the party.
ReplyDeleteHi Scooby Shaggy and Scout! How are you guys?
ReplyDelete~~ Boni
* lets go of Mini and sighs*
Sisfurs! Oh well.
Hi Scooby, Shaggy and Scout :)
~~ Sanjee
Hi Boni & Sanjee, Hi Derby! Any tub hockey still going on??
ReplyDeleteHey, evrybuddy! I can only spend abowt 2 minits heer becuz the Food Lady is abowt to leeve and tern off the compyooter, but I wanted to wish evrywun a happy gothca day/berthday!
ReplyDeleteHey, grate trampoleen! I'm just gonna git a few jumps in before I have to go....!
Hi SS&S. Yes tub hockey is still going on. I think Sammy and Miles are still playing with Kimo and Sabi. Charlie, Speedy and others are over there too. Jump in. Pick a tub, any tub. hehe.
ReplyDeleteHi Skeez, Bye Skeez.
Hey Skeezix!!! Love your outfit :)
ReplyDelete*waves to the Food lady*
I've never seen so many tubs in my whole life. It's kind of amazing.
ReplyDelete~~ Boni
Mum knows someone at a company nearby that makes the tubs. So she gotted a special deal for the weekend.
ReplyDeleteYeah, this really is amazingly fun! Blackie and I are going to have to play this when we get home so we get better at it -- Charlie
ReplyDeleteYeah, when you have more than one cat in the house, you can practice. I am not into it that much, but I don't have anyone to play against.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone tried out the slide yet? It looks like a lot of fun to go "up" but I'm not too sure about the coming down part -- Charlie
ReplyDeleteWe've got to go help Mom with some work (like make her do it fast so we can come back hehehehe) We'll be back later! And I guess Gree will be back when she's done exploring with Mistrie and Patches. See you guys later. Don't haf all the fun wifout us!
ReplyDelete~~ Sanjee, Boni, Mini, Pepi
Yeah, I used the slide earlier. I tricked Miles into standing at the bottom as I came down. heheh.
ReplyDeleteBye Sanjee and company. I will let Gree know where you are when she gets back. Not to worry, she is in safe hands here.
ReplyDeletehi efurrybuddy! hey Derby - we got an e-mail from Jack. he wants ta come ta yur party but he sez he can't post unless he uses a-nonny-mouse. we don't know why, but that's what he sez. are Beta kitties still having problems wif signing in? anyway, he wanted us ta let ya know
ReplyDeleteCome on Charlie, climb up with me and we can slide down together.
ReplyDeleteHi everykitty! What neat stuff!
ReplyDeleteGrr. Let Jack know mum will switch it over so Anonymous's can get in. We turned off the word verification, guess that got changed too. It should be ok now.
ReplyDeleteHi Rascal.
Ok, Derby - here goes!
ReplyDeleteWho can we "bump" into at the bottom??
Ok, Derby - here goes!
ReplyDeleteWho can we "bump" into at the bottom??
Oops. Was too excited. Didn't mean to post twice. -- Charlie
ReplyDeleteHi Catzee, your mum was smart to do that. That BetaBlogger sounds mean sometimes, lots of problems.
ReplyDeleteSee Charlie, it is fun to slide down.
ReplyDeletethank you! we'll tell him rite now. our Lady's at work an duzzn't know we left so we mite hafta be a little quiet sumtimes
ReplyDeleteYay! You got the Nonny Mouse-stick out of the way!!!
ReplyDeleteMorning everyone! Sorry we couldn't make it last night, the OTW was hogging the computer and I forgot it was partytime.
Seems to be going around here, the OTW was complaining last night because the Big One forgot to remind her about the party she has to go to tonight herself.
And hey, I brought Grumpybutt!
Hey Whisper! Say.......oh geez. I'm sorry guys, he must of smelled the tuna water on his way in.
Got no manners that cat. Doesn't even say hello before diving into the buffet! Well, just be careful how you say hi, he's funny about other cats. I just brought him 'cause I thought it would do him some good to get off the couch and go out.
Thanks Grr, Midnight and Cocoa!
ReplyDeleteHey I heard there was some pouncing going on around here last night!
Welcome Jack, we didn't mean to exclude the beta kitties. Yes, the buffet has been tempting most kitties as they come in. I think they have moved into less breakfast stuff and more into standard munchies. I know the chef is busy working on the banquet.
ReplyDeleteThanks, Derby, that was a lot of fun to slide down. Let me see if I can get my brother Sky to join me next time. He doesn't want to sit and "talk with the ladies" but he's not feeling up to tub hockey either. And he can't possibly keep eating ALL afternoon. This might be his thing. ARe there some older guys here who might want to hang out with him? -- Charlie
ReplyDeleteGeorge from the Crew is around. Not commenting but here. So Sky could hang with him.
ReplyDeleteHi Derby, thanks for letting me come to your party!
ReplyDeleteIt's ok about the block, lots of places are plagued by the Nonny Mouse-posts. Sticks? Posts? Yeah, that's it! The OTW said Nonny Mouse-Posts. Thought that sounded wrong the first time.
If they're starting to clear the breakfast stuff, I think I'll pad on over to the buffet first. See if there's anything interesting left. I'm on a special food diet most of the time and the OTW doesn't let me have many treats.
Then, I think tub hockey, if anyone's still playing.
Thanks. This is an excellent party with so many different interesting guests. But sometimes us older guys just want to hang with some other older guys. I'll go find George. -- Sky
ReplyDeletehey Jack! good ta see ya made it. this is a great party!
ReplyDeleteHi, i just got here, sorry i'm so late! what's goin' on?
ReplyDeleteThe younger kitties are playing, some of the older ones are just watching. The young ones have been at the tub hockey almost non-stop since they got here.
ReplyDeleteHi Edsel. Lots of stuff. Some kitties are still doing tub hockey, there is a slide and trampoline too. Or you can sit and watch and visit.
ReplyDelete*pops in* hellos efurbody!
ReplyDeletei'm goin' for the trampoline, i've never done that before, watch out, here i come, full speed......
ReplyDeleteIs the bar open? I need a wiskery. Strait up pwease. I just excaped the box of doom and the Doktor. I got stabbed! And I yowled too.
ReplyDeleteNo Lil'One the bar is not open. We are currently serving water and tuna water only.
ReplyDeleteO. I see then I will take some tuna water please. Tuna cause I'm a growing kitty. The Docktor said "Wow! You've grown over a pound in a month!" then he said "Look at those teeths, you gots some big cat teeths now, but still some little cat teeths too"
ReplyDeleteHey, I haf another question. Can rats come here?
ReplyDeleteRats? Do you have a special rat furriend?
ReplyDeleteNo. Just evil rat ringleader Ghetto and her side kick splash. I don't like em. But Ghetto says if I don't invite her, she'll eat my favorite toy and I'll nefur see it again. Plus, If I lets her come, maybe one of the big cats will eats her, like fat erik maybe, or Grrr.
ReplyDeleteFur some reason my Mom likes em.
ReplyDeletemmmmm...sure, bring the rat...
got any live fev-vers?
I don'tthink your rat furriends would like to be here with 100's of cats. As they would most likely be mistaken for something to catch and kill. Part of our games.
ReplyDeleteSo if Ghetto and Splash want to live they better stay home. And if they mess with your stuff, we will come over and get them.
Oh my, lil'one, I think your momma would be furry upset if somekitty ate her rat frend~Zippy
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeletePlease excuse my sister - she wants to be a Mighty Hunter Cat like her boyfurrendcat Flynn.
Hey efurryone! We're here. We gotted into the puter while Mom is in Mewport RI. She's havin' a party by herself hee hee! Bet as not as much fun as what's going on here tho.
ReplyDeleteI hada pop home and say I wuz furry sorry fur baftin ahind da couch last nite. *sigh* I was playin hide and seek with Sadie and suddenly felt sicky. Mom's not furry happy with me~Speedy
ReplyDeleteGrr, yeah I haf lots of live fevers! I gots big ones and little ones! Green ones, blue ones, yellow ones, spotted ones....
ReplyDeleteI'm hungry now.
ReplyDeleteBeau Beau and Angie. Welcome. Glad you could sneak out while your mum is off for the weekend. Lots of cats are doing the same thing.
ReplyDeleteSpeedy, did you eat too much last night? Pace yourself.
ReplyDeleteHey Derby you frow the bestest party!
ReplyDeleteHey is that a slide!?.....
*runs off to climb the slide and leaps over anyone in her way to get there....zooooooooooooooooooom*
Thanks, mum did all of the planning.
ReplyDeleteIs that my handscom friend ofur there? Cocoa is that you sweetie?
Lil' One - yur prolly always hungry wif all those live fev-vers an rats livin' in yur house.
wanna share a dish of tuna water wif me Angie?
Ahh kitten energy and span of attention. I vaguely remember these days.
ReplyDeleteNo Derby, I barf if I start runnin right afur I eat no matter how much or little it is. Daddy is vacuumin and he sawed it, but he doesn't do the barfy clean up or momma would haf extra to clean-if yoo kno wut I mean~Speedy
ReplyDeleteCOCOA! (Angie goes running and jumps lays a big kiss on Cocoa's neck)
ReplyDelete*Slides down headfirst and lands face first in the sand*
ReplyDeleteOh.....giant litter box! *scratch scrath dive, scratch, dive dive, pounce*
Hey Grr if yo wants to see the evil rat, you can go to my bloggie and i jsut put a pickture up.
We know what you mean Speedy. There wuld be extra stuff fur sure at our place
ReplyDelete*looks over and sees angie and cocoa playing*
ReplyDeleteGoodie! *takes a running start....
leaps....flies through the air like super kitty*
ooooh, purrrrrrr! *kisses Angie* it's so nice ta see you!
ooh, i'm kind dizzy from that thing, i hope i don't barf....if i do, please 'xcuse me very much, i'm tryin' not to.......(goes over to a bush to rest...)
ReplyDeleteWe's maded it back!
ReplyDelete~~ Sanjee
hey Lil' One! can't i get sum privacy wif my speshul girl? we kin pounce later. i got sum kitty kissin' ta do
That Lil'One sure has a lot of kitten energy, and kitty lack of control-hehehe~Sadie
ReplyDeleteyur lookin' most 'specially purrty Angie!
Hey Lil'One. come on over and learn to play tub hockey.
ReplyDeletei hope there's gonna be dancin!
If'n you wanna pounce and wrassle Lil'one, Speedy is you man. He's big and tuff and full of energy~Zippy
ReplyDeleteIck! Yuck! Barf! You two are grossing me out! *Watches* Cocoa, ya gonna gives her cooties.
ReplyDeleteSpeedy you want to help Lil'One learn tub hockey? You are new at it too. So should be a good match.
ReplyDeleteEdsel! My tuxie gangster! Ohhhhh dizzy! Poor gangsta. *gentle nose nudges* I'm glad to see you anyway.
ReplyDeletePUrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ~~ Boni
Wow, lots of kitties! Hi Grr, Midnight and Cocoa! High Lil'One! Oh I gives up. Hi efurrycat!
~~ Sanjee
*waves a paw* hi all you cats :)
~~ Pepi
yeah lil'one two company three's a crowd but we can play wif you in a little while if you like
ReplyDeletehey Lil' One - have you tried tasting the ratty?
ReplyDeleteGrr Hmm...oks...! *Runs at full speed towards derby*
ReplyDeleteYay, I'll pounce and play hockey and slide and bounce on the trampoline if'n you wanna, Lil'one~Speedy
Jumps in a tup and peeks over* Is there mouceies involved? and tweets?
ReplyDeletetub* hehehehe
ReplyDeleteI fink the hunger is getting to my brain.
Lil' one you hasn't had kitty love yet? You don't know wut yur missing.
ReplyDeletegot some jingle balls for this tub? they're my favorite!
I'll join in the tub hockey now. My tummy's settled after all the munching earlier. (I don't think Mini's will efur settle tho, she eats all the time hehehe) * checks out the tub hocky tubs *
ReplyDelete~~ Sanjee
I do not eat all the time! I nap too. And sit on laps. And play. And eat more.
~~ Mini
*hisses at angie.* Love is gwoss! an so are boy cats.
ReplyDeleteWhew, I think we have Lil'One occupied for at least a few minutes.
ReplyDeleteHey midnights, come play with me! *waves a paw over the side of a tub*
ReplyDeleteyeah - cuddlin wif Angie is way better than all the playin an treats an stinky goodness an nip an toys in the whole wide world!
hey "Victor" hehehe How ya doin? Hi Bonnie!
ReplyDelete~~ Sanjee
I fink Sadie broughted a cuple jingle balls along. I broughted a ping pong ball with beans inside. It makes a neeto noyze when it goes around~Speedy
ReplyDeleteI wants to play tub hockey too. *Beau Beau runs over to the corner sized tub*
ReplyDelete*gets distracted*
ReplyDeleteball ball ball ball ball ball ball ball.....
I'm not gross, Lil'One! *jumps into the tub and whizzes a puck past the little one*
ReplyDelete~~ Pepi
Yuk, kitty luvs is silly~Speedy
ReplyDelete*sigh* Excuse my brofur, he just turned a year old and is still very immature~Zippy
There should be jingle balls, glitter balls, ping pong balls and either fabric covered balls mum gotted a work to use as pucks. Pick what you like to use.
ReplyDeleteOh Cocoa yur such a sweetie. Purrrrs.
I knows to much about kitty luv, I've already haded a litter of kitties myownself. That's how's I gots my furever home. Ali founded us unner her bushes and gaved us to momma~Sadie
ReplyDelete*Dives for the puck that pepi has and bites his paw*
ReplyDeleteUgh, kitties can't even haf a party wifout sum sick bean - porn indeed~Sadie
ReplyDeletesomeone say corn? I likes corn. It's yummy!
ReplyDeleteMmmm, buffet was good!
ReplyDeleteAnyone up for a game of tub hockey with an "old" guy?
Ack! *playfully swipes LilOne with a paw* Biting will get you in the penalty box.
ReplyDelete*bats the puck away again*
~~ Pepi
Oh Sadie it's so nice that you were found and haf yur forever home.
ReplyDeleteLil'one, have yoo effer had chinese food? Momma makes stir fry and it's yummy~Speed
ReplyDeleteOh you're not that old Jack! I'll play you. I may be a girl, but I played in the Cat'Lympics.
ReplyDelete~~ Sanjee
Sadie, it is gone from the posts. Mum spoted it right away and deleted the comment.
ReplyDeleteChasses after pepi.*
ReplyDeleteOhh! Ok, so if biting is gainst the rules, how about pouncin? *chasses after pepi*
Yeah gang from Kattonic. Having a blog will let you tell your stories.
ReplyDeleteSppp, katt....i have never had stir-fry wiff my beans but they gave me the stir-fry discussion wiff me if I should ever eat the birdies!
ReplyDeleteIt sure is Beau Beau, and all my babies are with bean relatives so I see 'em every now and then~Sadie
ReplyDeleteI'll play with all of you!
*Plops down in the middle of the tub, yawns big.*
ReplyDeleteDerby, I think we have momma talked into gettin' us one, thanks to all you kitties~Zippy
ReplyDeleteOh, oh. I think somekitty need a nappie~Speedy
ReplyDeleteOk, Sanjee You're on!
ReplyDeleteAnd I don't think I'm old either. I'm only 10. And no one has beaten me at 2am tag yet!
Zippy, that is good news. Let me know when you get it going or if you need help. Once you have your bloggy, we will put a post on the CatBlogosphere to let everyone know you are posting.
ReplyDeleteSomebeans just aren't as nice as cat beans!
ReplyDelete*hops in a tub* I's ready!
~~ Sanjee
* Pepi turns and wrassles Lil'One down * Pouncing! I'll show you pouncing!
* pounces Lil'One and carefully whizzes her across the tub * You are the puck now!
~~ Pepi
I not sleepy. *twitches tail* I can still out race ya speedy....
ReplyDeleteLil'one, don't fall asleep in the tub you're likely to get trampled by kitties playing hockey~Zippy
ReplyDelete*slides along the tub*
DERBY!!!!! Pepi's not playing fair!!! can I put teh bitey on him?
*leaps up, pounces on pepi*
Lil' one, I wouldn't worry 'bout the 'stir-fry' thing.
ReplyDeleteMy OTW has been telling me she's gonna roast me up in a pot for Thanksgiving and make mittens of my fur my whole life and I'm still here.
And now she threatens Grumpybutt with the roasting pan, 'cause she says he's fatter and I don't believe her anymore.
Oh Pepi, what a great idea! Let's use Lil'one as a puck, but carefully~Speedy
ReplyDeleteI gots a good rabbit kick! I gots my mom in bandages wiff rabbit kicks when she tried puttin me in the box of doom today!
ReplyDelete* laughs and hugs LilOne*
ReplyDeletemaybe this tub is for the kitty puck only? hehehe
* scoots Lil'One along the tub again*
I don't think she'll fall asleep... maybe until next week. hehehe
~~ Pepi
Alright Sanjee, here we go!
ReplyDeleteCatch this!
Lil'One, no you can't put the bitey on Pepi. You are in the middle of the hockey tub. Either play hockey or move out. If you don't play nice, mum will send you home. High energy is OK, bad manners is not OK.
ReplyDeleteJust be warneed....try it at your own risk! *hisses*
ReplyDeleteHeh, Jack, my mom says pretty much the same thing about all of us. Beans are pretty funny sometimes~Zippy
ReplyDelete* dives for the flying puck and bats it back *
ReplyDeleteha! Got it!
~~ Sanjee
ReplyDeleteMistrie and me are back with Gree from sploring. We are going to take Mittens home now and will try to come back later.....Come on Precious......see you all later....
Leaps outta the tub* I am not a hocky puck!
ReplyDeleteI'm goign with Mistrie and Patches. See yall later! C'mon Precious, you can walk with me and Mistrie.
ReplyDelete~~ Gree
Sprawls on the floor, whre it is safe....* "I'm sorry derby..... I fink I stayed up too long past my nappy time"
ReplyDeleteGee Lil'One, you were looking like one there for a bit. Maybe you're right.
ReplyDelete* chuckles softly *
Ok, where's that other puck then?
~~ Pepi
Hehehe, lil'one, come on. Lets play on the trampoline. If'n you lie on it and I jump around my 16 pounds of muscle will bounce you all ofer~Speedy
ReplyDelete*pounces and bats back*
ReplyDeleteGotta do better than that!
flips tail* I guess I'm a bit grumpy today.
ReplyDeleteBye Patches,Mistrie,Precious and Mittens. I am happy that Mittens gotted to come to the party even for a short time. Hope you enjoyed wanderring Whiskconsin.
ReplyDelete* Sanjee whirls and gets the puck JUST in time *
ReplyDeletePhew! Barely caught that one!
*sends it sailing over to (hopefully) get past Jack*
Bye, hope Mittens feels better soon~Zippy
ReplyDeleteLil'One if you needs a nap, go inside the house and find one of the beds to snuggleon.We will be having a quiet time soon anyway. We all have to get ready for the honoring ceremony.
ReplyDeleteI think we'll haffa make a nap pile and purr lil'one to sleep. Momma is leaving again. Busy alla time!~Zippy