
Friday, January 26, 2007

Fang Shui Friday

If sunlight is not available, heat can substitute. Occupy the heating vent. Cover it totally to receive full benefit.

From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.

Here I am camped out by the heaty vent in mum's litter box room. Just room for one, and I turn over the little box which helps catch the warmth.
Sometimes I try to cover the really big vent in the living room. But don't always cover the whole thing up.
Then back by the windows that go all the way to the floor. I am not completely over the vent in the picture, but I do love to lay on top of this vent. Mum tries to keep a plastic thingy on it to move the air away from the windows. But I just kept pushing it off for room for me. This makes my tummy all nice and warm.
Stay warm everyone.


  1. Great pikshurs Derby!!! We knows why you like dem heaty vents. Gatsbi lies as close to the 'lektric heater as she kin get widout singeing her fur!!! She lufs it! Owr heat vents r in da ceilin here. We kaint figur owt how to lay on dem.
    Luf, Us

  2. My Mommie put up a special shelf for me above the heater vent, since I like one in particular. That way she can have heat by the computer and I can be warm also...Missy.

  3. I know where you are coming from pal. I'm under the soffie near the vent there (see my latest post).

  4. Those are great photos and that's wonderful advice. Unfortunately, it doesn't apply to most home in Germany. We don't have heating vents - we have radiators. Fortunately, my cat bed is right next to one of my radiators, and my large cat tree is right in front of one, and when I'm on the top shelf I can't feel the heat coming off of the radiator.

    You look very comfy next to all those heating vents. :)

  5. I like the pictures of you keeping warm. The vent by the window looks like a particularly good one.

  6. Oh that is some great heat seeking! Sadly, our vents are HUGE and in the walls so I could never enjoy the full heat blast. You're a very wise cat!


  7. Ah yes, feline engineering for warmth. Very good, Derby!

  8. you look furry happy on the hot air blowy fingy on the floor. i loves them too - Miles

  9. Vents are so excellent. I love to have them blowing warm air on my body!

  10. This Fang Shui is great! I am learning a lot. Great illustration of the concept, too. Thanks!

  11. You look warm and cozy, Derby. Them are nice places.


  12. You do look warm, Derby! I recently discovered my new little bro's bed, and it is RIGHT ON TOP OF a heating vent! It makes the whole bed nice and warm. It's purrrrfect!

  13. oooh I love sleeping on the heater vents too! you look so nice and cozy, thanks for sharing all of the good spots!!

  14. Yoo've got some good places furr keeping warm. We don't haf vents, but we haf got a woodburner, and we sleep rite up close to it. Mum tells us we will cook owr brains cuz we lie so close to it.

  15. We have radiators and my fleece bed is right next to one of them so that is furry cosy. You look like you are an expert at finding the warmest places to snooze! Those vent things are not usually seen in the UK but mum and dad saw them when they stayed with Uncle Sim in Montana and they asked questions about how they worked. It is not cold here today but I have put some snow pics on my blog.

  16. We have radiators and my fleece bed is right next to one of them so that is furry cosy. You look like you are an expert at finding the warmest places to snooze! Those vent things are not usually seen in the UK but mum and dad saw them when they stayed with Uncle Sim in Montana and they asked questions about how they worked. It is not cold here today but I have put some snow pics on my blog.

  17. You have all the vents staked out. good job.

  18. ventz ...
    a verree good idea.
    it'z so cold heer in noo york an i decided to spend da day owtside. i wuz verree happee wen mi mom came home frum skool.
    i'm goin lookin fer a vent to warm up!

  19. We have radiators and my fleece bed is right next to one of them so that is furry cosy. You look like you are an expert at finding the warmest places to snooze! Those vent things are not usually seen in the UK but mum and dad saw them when they stayed with Uncle Sim in Montana and they asked questions about how they worked. It is not cold here today but I have put some snow pics on my blog.

  20. Excellent pointers for poodies in freezy places. You look furry warm ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko KO

  21. Well, you certainly know how to stay warm up in the north. We had a very cold day today in Virginia, but it's going to be warmer tomorrow. We don't have any vents like yours, but sometimes I like to sleep near the warm fireplace.


  22. You are one smart and good looking kitty!

    Here in Southern California we don't need heat as much as air conditioning. But lately it has been really cold! My pet human said she had frost on her car windows. Ha! I'll bet that's nothing to you in Wisconsin.

    Good thing you have a fur coat.

    Skittles, The Cat

  23. Derby, both my sisters do exactly what you're doing! They LOVE the heat! I like to be warm, but I can't stand it when air hits my ears so I duck away.


  24. Yoor so lucky Derby, we haf to share and if we all go and lay on da vents mom sez dey aren't getting da heat dat dey are paying for and makes us move.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.