
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Where do you live?

A while back Grr, Midnight and Cocoa were my winners for my first blogoversary quiz. So that had to tell me where they lived. This is what they sent!

Our address is the whole second floor of the compartment building behind the old house 2nd from the dead end of the street, right next door to the enormous pink house and right across the street from the man with too much money who's just a big show-off, and right in front of the duplex where the Harley riders live. The Lady says you could also use the following (though we think our description is better):

Then their mum gave the snail mail address. So that got me to wondering how to explain where I live. Mum knows the official numbers and such, but that doesn't mean much to us kitties. Like the Calico Girls live in the house in the Big Piney Woods. We all know where that is. So here is my description of where I live.

Just a short way off the not busy highway. On the street that doesn't go all the way through that has a big turn spot on the end. I have the whole blue house on the north side of the street, near the turning spot, between the brown and white houses, with woofies on both sides. Brown houses on the other side of the street, one with a big water pond for humans. And more woofies.

Feel free to drop in any time! Where do you live?


  1. Oh Derby that sounds like a lovely place. We live in the middle of the street.

  2. I live in a big building with alot of cranky noisy neighbors.

  3. Derby - we live in brick house surrounded by pasture with cows living in it on top of hill on a country road in very rural part of Alabama...across from 4 chicken houses and another pasture that has 3 horses living in it... Mom is thinking about going outside and taking a picture in each direction so ya'll can see.

  4. Derby - we got Mom to post picture of front yard. Hopefully the sunshine will help our friends suffering in cold weather feel warmer

  5. Neat post, Derby!

    We live on a kind of busy road with one white house on the side of us and one brick cottage on the other side. And a yappy dog lives beside us too! Yuck.

  6. This is a wonderful scription of how to find your place. Now, efurrycat knows how to find you. This is a great idea.


  7. We lives down the paved street between the two bizzy streets, in the brick n tan house wif the yeller crime seen type tape makin the leefs in the circle in front all behave n stay togefur. Our howse is across the street frum the house wif all the barkin doggies, an next door to the house wif the lighthouse in the yard on one side an next door to the house wif the jungle an the tree swing on the ofur side. Our howse is the one wif the kitty hobo markins that says free eatz.

  8. i liv on da street dat connectz da two streetz at da beginnin uv mi street an at da end uv mi street. mi howse iz accross da street frum da peeple hoo put up da gigantic mickey mowse fer chrissmuss.

  9. We live just in front of the field where all the mousies and some ratsies live. It's a brown building with 2 halves and grass and trees between the halves. Go up the stairs. If you meet a cat without a tail, that's Farley, and you should go to the other half of the building. Or ask Farley for directions.

  10. Our howse in Whiskonsin is on the corner where the street turns, so the driveway's on the side. It's the big brown boxy one that got painted tan this summer. It has steep steps and lotsa tall trees hosta, but you can't see the hosta now cuz of the snow.
    PS how am I expected get the security werd right when it's lotsa www and vvv next to each ofur???

  11. oooh - great! now we know 'zactly how ta find you. expect vizziters!

    our werd vary-fi-kayshun is "subsoy" wich made our Lady thing about soy submarine sammiches an she went "yuk"

  12. I get to go out sometime with my harness in the front yard, so I kinda know my street. Like yours, we live on a street that ends in a big turn, and we live almost at the end of the turn. Its a big tall white house (which is fun, cause inside there is a place on the top floor that overlooks the fireplace room on the bottom floor, and I can sleep and watch). There are way too many noisy moving machines that are parked on the street, that scare me sometimes when I'm out in my harness and they move!

  13. Youse got yur final anser krekt!! U got a hunnerd persent on yur PoP Quiz!!

    Ok. We liv in da liddle howse between 2 bigger howses and across frum howse with 7 beans and 5 woofies. We haf a field ahind owr howse wit lots of bunnies. Sumtimes da falcon cum an sit in owr trees waitin fer lunch. We haf trees in front & back an owr cage is in da back. Da cage hooks to da howse an we haf a woofie door (only cuz sum of us wouldn't fit thru a poodie door).
    Luf, Us

    Pee Ess. We left mesaje yesterday an it was anominus. We taint anominus. We ist Us.

  14. We live in the house with stairs and wood foors that let us go thunk-thunk-thunk at night, across the street from the guy with the motorcycle that is so loud the windows shake, and down the street from the place where lots of Sticky Little People play and less than a mile and a half from the PRISON!!!!

  15. I live on a short street that comes off the busy street of death. Our house is right at the furry end of the street, if you kept goin' after the street ends, you'd be in my livin' room! We have lotsa birdies on the one side of the house, and chippymunks on the other side.

  16. we live on da quiet street wif da trees on bof sides. Our howse iz right at da curve in da rode atween da tan howse and da brown howse. our howse is brown and cream colord (but daddy sez he'z paintin it a difrint color dis spring). check da back yard and if der is a little but steep hill wif a fence and a gate wif grapes growing on it at da bottom of da hill and a rock wall next to it den yoor at da rite place. yoo can also go thru the missing part of da fence and bisit Oliver at dat howse. He is feeling much better and i fink he'd like da company. also der is a driveway wif a lite dat looks like an old fashioned gas lite next to it in front of our howse.

  17. Where we're not allowed out!

  18. Cool Derby!!! We live one block away from the pond, past the 2 houses with the big woofies in the yards and the house with all the flowers. Behind the house with the swimming pool, in the middle of the block with the 2 turn arounds at each end.

  19. we lifs down the street from the farm wif all the sheeps, cows, llamas, pigs, goats, chick-hens, roosters and alpakas, around the bendy part, next to the lady wif the teenage girl, akross the street from the dalmashun that nefurr goes out and the calico cat that nefurr gets to go in, in the big gray house wif the huge tree in the yard and the driveway on the steep hill.

  20. We kive on the street at the bottom on the houses. There is a woody swamp across the paved place where the big noisy things go and we don't go out that way (but we look the hard clear things.

    We spend most of our time in the cave. But opposite the swamp, we have a large yard enclosed by The Wall. We stay inside that.

    We have effreything we want inside The Wall. There are ponds with froggies and holes with mousies of all kinds. There are birdies that eat seeds on high platforms. Sometimes there are even bunnies.

    Oe time we even found a long skinny round thing that hissed back at us when we pawed at it. The Big Thing grapped it and took it away, though.

    We live in a cave that is all blue on the outside and mostly red and green on the inside.

    The other caves near us are all sorts of yellow on the outside. We don't know what they look like on the inside.

    We live on a quiet noisey thing street. When we get brought to the vet in our own noisey thing, we see a LOT more noisey things, so we know few drive past our cave.

    The Big Thing builded The Wall so that the big mean doggies couldn't get into our own yard. We feel really safe there

  21. Oh Derby

    Noos I knoos where yu live!

    We live off a buzy street of death just like Merlin. Our is da first house in fev-ver sanct-chew-wary. We have two houses -- the oddur house is where Daddy goes when he wants to play wif his toys. We live on the entire corner lot across da street is a man who lives wif a german doggie who is furry big. Den right behind us is a house dat no one has lived in fur many many years. It am abandoned and is furry wooded so we gets to see lots of critters, like possums and raccoons and a'course kitties. We has a quiet place wif quiet nay-burs.

  22. Ooooh - kool kwestshun -- we lives in da yellow house (Angie knows dis coz she seen it frum outside) almost at the end of the street wif the big circle at the end. We haf a big deck where all da birdies comes to eat. The back of the yard has a line of trees and we can't see the houses on the ofur side of the trees. On one side of da house is a smaller house where the big grass eater comes out of. On the side of dat is the white colonial where the old white mini doggie lives and dere's a big tank wif water. On the ofur side is anofur big white house dat has a big tank filled wif water. In one of da houses in the circle lives a big noisy truck boy. We don't wants to get outside acoz we don't want to get runned ofur by him.

  23. We live in a half stucco, half brick house so I guess if wolves came they could blow half of it away! Our yard has a road on two sides and we have a tiny tiny house in the back where an old shopping cart, a broken grill and a bald tire live. Mom says they were already here when we got here, so maybe that's why they have their own tiny tiny house.

  24. Our home is a big box with lots of nice places to hide, and plenty of room for all of us. Usually, anyway. There is a whole lot of grass for us to walk on when we go outside. At the back of the property there is a small box that looks like the big box, and bunnies live under it. There are trees to scratch and bushes to crawl under. All in all it's a nice place to live!

  25. We live downstairs from Gerda the Bernese Mountain Doga and Mr. Minor the Tuxedo poodie in the yellow brick house on the road with that's an L in front of the organic garden in the park across the street.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.