
Monday, February 5, 2007

Man Cat Monday

A Tribute to ME

A long time ago mum got a cute picture mat at the sheter where she got me. She finally worked on this, taking lots of pictures of me, getting real pictures made, cutting them down. Then arranging and re-arranging them until she had the look she wanted.
Here I am inspecting the finished product, I think it turned out furry well. Now everyone who comes to visit can see how much mum loves me, her very own ManCat.
I had fun at the SuperBowl parties last night. I was teleporting between Opus and Roscoe's in Italy and Hank's party here in the U.S.

Plus we may not be around the blogoshpere much. Mum's home laptop 'puter died. We went to turn it on Saturday and it wouldn't work. Mum did all of the obvious things to see what was wrong, then we called the help desk. We have to send it in and get it fixed. While mum will let me use her work 'puter, it doesn't have all of my pictures and such.

So, what I was working on to enter Skeezix's Valentine's contest, can't get at that. Guess I won't be entering that contest. Bummer.

Stay warm everyone. It has been furry cold here is Whiskerconsin. Doing lots of snuggling with mum to keep her warm.


  1. Derby, you are a Big Man Cat! That's a neato collage frame thing. My mommy likes it a lot.


  2. Derby

    We udderstands how it is when the compoododdle goes kaboomie. Hope it gets fixed quick furrs yu.

    Momma really liked yur pixchur collage. Dat was furry sweet!


  3. that is the coolest thing your mom did for you!
    Too bad about your 'puter. That is so irritating.

  4. that's lovely! your mom did a great job.

  5. What a great job on those pictures. Sure does prove what a great Man Cat you are. Sorry about the computer. But we will be patient and wait until you are completely back on line full time again.


  6. Oh, yer Mommie loves you a LOT! That is a great collage of you. I hope yer computer gets fixed soon. I need those Fang Shui Friday tips!

  7. Very Nice Picture Mat of you my friend. Is your Mom going to hang it on a wall of her office at work to show all who visit how much she loves you?


  8. Cute picture frame. Sorry to hear about the puter, they can be cantankerous.

  9. That is something to really feel proud of, Derby!

    Sorry about the computer - they're such temperamental things!

  10. We love your photos and that picture frame! Great idea!

    Thank you so much for coming to our party. It was so nice to see you and hope you had as much fun as we did.

    We only slept hours Sunday night and we are all still a little tired.

    Sooooo happy and wishing to be in Indy right now!

    Cyn, Opus and Roscoe

  11. Derby, you can write a poem for Princess Mia for the contest!

  12. Derby, we are sorry to hear about your mom's computer. That's a wonderful collage of you though.

  13. Hi Derby --

    Yes, that mat is really lovely.

    We've developed a little cold spell over here in England too! But I don't think it's as cold as Wisconsin.

  14. Hi Derby --

    Yes, that mat is really lovely.

    We've developed a little cold spell over here in England too! But I don't think it's as cold as Wisconsin.

  15. That is very very cool! I hope your laptop gets fixed soon. I don't know what I would do if ours broke. Oh yeah, I'd put the bitey on the Tall Man. Hopefully it will be back soon!


  16. That is a very cool frame! Bunny Mommy said that she would like one of those but that they might not make them big enough to say Mrs. Sniffles

  17. That picture is just lovely. YOur Momma is very talented. We hope you get your puter fixed real quick. Momma has withdrawls when hers is broked.


  18. What a great Derby collage. You look great!

    Too bad about your contest project. I'm sure Mia will understand. But there's still time to submit a poem or send her an email Valentine.

  19. Derbs, I lovelovelove the collage. I loved it so much, I had to blog about it!

  20. I like that picture frame ... all about you, the way it should be.

  21. Awesome frame-you can admire yourself a'plenty now! : )

  22. Oh My Cat! Too Cute. How about one that says: Oh My Pet Human?!!!

    Skittles, The Cat


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