
Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Quick Update

Thanks for your comments on my tribute pictures. Mum says the frame was custom made to fit the mat AND the metal frame that she picked it purrfectly matched the mat. It hangs in the house here, it is too nice for mum to take to work. She says she doesn't have a good spot to hang it at work either.

Plus we gotted a message on the talky thing that the 'puter has made it to the repair shop, so guess we just have to wait. It had to get flown to the repair place out of town.

Mum let me use her work 'puter here. So I did a quick trip around the blogosphere and checked up on stuff. Sounds like we have lots of romancing and match making goin on for Valentine's Day. I got my sweetie last year on Valentine's Day, maybe you could meet yours this year.


  1. Hope your 'puter's fixed soon, Derby!

  2. We likes the frame your mum has for your pictures furry much! We hopes your computer gets back to you soon, it's nice that your mum is lettin' you use her work 'puter sometimes!

    Thanks for visitin' us for our blogoversary, we have enjoyed gettin' to know you, too!

  3. We lufs yur Mom's tribute to u. We kin see why she dunt wanna take it to werk. It's too speshul. An so are u!!

    We sorry yur pooter died. Dat wood drive owr Maw ofer da top an she's pretty close anyway.

    Stay warm!!
    Luf, Us

  4. What a great picture tribute your mommy had made. That is very well done. A fitting tribute for a loved Man Cat.
    Sorry your computer went bonkers. We hopes it will be fixed soon. Take Care!

  5. Ariel...That's a very nice tribute your mom made you Derby.Mom come see.

    Mom...Yes it's beautiful.

    Ariel... Mom I want a tribute.

    Mom... We'll see.

    Ariel... That means No does'nt it.

  6. We're quite glad you are making it back to the sphere! Have a good weekend Derby--or perhaps we'll see you at the Valentine's Day party?

  7. we hopes that your 'puter comes back quick!!


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