
Friday, May 4, 2007

Fang Shui Friday

Sharp claws are auspicious. Sharpen them against wooden items in the house. In this way the tough properties of the wood are transferred to your claws.

From Fang Shui by Catfucious, Peter Pauper Press, 2002.

If claws are so good, then why, oh why, did my firsted owner have them taken out? Mum doesn't know for sure, so she won't guess. But like most kitties who don't have claws, I have a tendency to use my teeth. Mum knew this when she got me. Plus she knew I would have to be an inside only kittie, since I wouldn't have any way to defend myself against other kitties or any other creature if I were allowed outside. So I only get to go outside with mum and then inside my porch.

Mum has been spending so much time outside when she comes home from work. Can't say that I blame her, it is nice and sunny. So she is working on stuff with her plants. Inspecting the trees to see how they are doing. The crabby apple tree will soon have its purrty flowers open. It is amazing how quickly things change once the weather warms up. Two weeks ago the leaves were just barely starting to open up.

Mum was very efficient she has finished knitting the pink boa that Skeezix was high bidder for. I would show pictures, but I figured that Skeezix should be the first to see the finished product. But mum says it didn't take much time to do which she liked. Plus a local store had some of the same type of yarn on sale last week. So she bought some to make more!! But they won't be pink.


  1. Hi Derby! We like the spring weather too. There are more birds in the garden and sun spots on the carpet.

    I'm sorry to hear that you were declawed. That's not very nice, is it? But lucky for you, you have a wonderful mom who takes good care of you AND you have a nice porch.

  2. We are having furry good weather too.That yarn looks good furr playing with. Do yoo put the bitey on it?

  3. I told that feng shui tip to my Mom and all she did was give me laser eyes. I dun fink she agrees wif that, Derby.


  4. Good morning, Derby... it's nice and springy here too. Thanks for sending that weather our way. The grass is green and tasty. Have a fun weekend!

  5. We bet you are fantastic with The Bitey!

  6. it's a lovely spring day here too - it's already 67 degrees!! mommy opened the back door and we is just freaking out - the woofie that lives 'ahind us is out and barking at us.

  7. Derby I had no idea you were clawless! And your overall happiness just impresses me more. Perhaps we can show you as a bit more handicapped if we're running a tight race and get those sympathy votes!

    I'm so looking forward to tomorrow!

  8. Well, I still have all my clawrs and I am still bitey. I can't wait to see Skeezie in his new pink boa!

  9. Oh Derby - I didn't know you had no claws! You don't need them though because your Mum takes such good care of you - she'll scratch anyone who bothers you : )

  10. Derby I bet you still acts like yoo haf yur claws sometimes. Good fing you stay inside. Don't efur try to escape. Hey dat pink fun fur am really cool! Skeezix is gonna love it!

  11. I'm lookin for some wood as we speak...most of it around here is fake.

    The boa is lovely, I'm sure Skeezix will love it!

  12. Weel, I have claws but I use my teef a lot too! What I don't unnerstand is iffen it's so good to sharpen 'em on wood, why does my mom yell when I try to scratch the door frames??????

  13. WE can see why they call it FUN fur!

  14. Hi i was wondering if you could send me a snail mail adress I would relly like to send you a spaical pink thank you card and a few of mama faviort picuters you can send it to


  15. I'm so sorry to hear about your claws, Derby - personally, I like to pull the carpet up off the foor but I'll have to check around for some wood!


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