
Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Mousie, Nanas and Roosters

Mum was picking up things and found that we missed a little mousie in the package from Bonnie and Victor. Mum says it looks a lot like a real mousie.
Plus when we checked the envelope the stamps were a picture of our buddy Oreo. So it was really a special kittie package.
Here is a good picture of my nip nana, or catnip banana if you want to spell it out in full. According to the label it was fully filled with premium organic catnip. Not just a little catnip with lots of stuffing. I like playing with it. I am waiting to steal it back from mum for taking the picture.
Mum also came home a little early from work today. We played a bit and then she brought out the carrier. Well, I don't mind the carrier, but yes you guess it, another trip to the VET. But this one was short. Just a quick once over, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, listening and feeling my tummy and thankfully just looking at my backside. Then a quick check of my weight, not yet at the diet stage, but mum is keeping watch. I thought I was going to get away easy, but no, I did get a rooster shot. Mum says I need it in case I have to go to the kittie spa.

The VET was very happy to know I was over my digestive issues. Mum gave him a full report on how she figured it out. He said he has four kitties and gave up on plants years ago. Mum says we are down to two. Neither of which are harmful to kitties.

I entertained the techs with my growls, but as we got ready to leave, I did give them a nice good bye meow.


  1. I'm glad to hear that the trip to the vet was fairly uneventful and that they just looked at your bottom, because, as you know, vets sometimes do unspeakable things to a kitty's backside.

  2. at least you was nice when you left!! glad to hear you is in good healf and doesn't haf to diet.

  3. Maybe that is what Mittens is doing when she growls, entertaining. All along Momma thought it was because she was unhappy about something.

    You are so evercute, Derby.


  4. you have a good attitude about your carrier. for me it's a prison box. if i can even SEE the box, i'm a little freaked by it. mama needs to remember to close the closet door...


  5. Wow - again, I LOVE those nanners! I am glad the vet visit wasn't too awful horrible!

  6. That wuz a nice sirpurrize to find anuvver mousie when yoo thought yoo had all yer new toys. We like yer nana too. Enny fing wiv nip is good though.

  7. Looks like you got some great gifts! We LOVE cat nip! Can you believe they don't have cat nip in Italy???!!! Poor Italian cats don't know what they are missing.
    Glad your tummy troubles are behind you!

    Opus and Roscoe

  8. Derby, I am glad your insides are doing better. I think the VET expects some growls when they give you those rooster shots. But you were nice to meow goodbye to them.

  9. What a great package! :) I am glad to hear your tummy troubles are over! :) Also glad that the vet visit was short.

  10. I'm glad your Vet visit went well. A nana FILLED with catnip - life doesn't get much better than that! I will have to google Nip Nana and see if I can order one for Kellie : )

  11. I just took Oscar to the vet so I'll be commenting today. I'm glad that you got a clean bill of health. That's wonderful that you're all better. The kittie spa sounds nice, do they take humans? If Oscar were hear he'd roll his eyes. Hey, I'm only human.
    It was nice of you to give a good bye meow.

    Oscar loves nip nanners. I can't seem to find him one in our small town though:(
    Have a fantastic day!

  12. So... it's a banana filled with herbs? Sounds like a bun's dream come true! ~Fiona Bun

  13. Cool mousie, Derby. And that 'nana looks interesting too. I think I'll ask Mom to look for one for me.

    I got a notice from my V.E.T. that it's time for me to visit them. Bummer!


  14. Glad you had an uneventful trip to the you-know-what, Derby! And we're very glad to hear that your mom solved the mystery of your tummy-trouble!

    Thanks so much for your kind words and for postin' to the blogosphere 'bout my illness. Your thoughts & actions mean lotz to my whole family.

    Buzzerbee (& meep & Jim & my mom)

  15. glad you got 100% Derby!!
    Mom saw a Nip Cigar at the store last weeek. Your nanna is prettier!

  16. Ooooh, that mousie looks like fun. And the nip nana looks very fun.
    We're glad your V-E-T visit was pretty quick. Sorry about the shot, though.
    Titus, Tazo, & Earl Grey

  17. Nip Nana is great. A yellow pillow of pleasure. Organic too, which is nice. You look sooo happy with it.

    Here is a good photo of another kitty with a mouse toy.

  18. A BANANA!!!! We LOVE our Nip Naner!

  19. What a cool nip nana!! We've nefer seen one! Glad you don't haf to go on a dyet!

    Luf, Us


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.