
Saturday, June 23, 2007


1. Favorite season? Open Window season
2. Favorite colors? Red
3. Favorite room? My whole house
4. Do you like dogs? No
5. Ever been in an airplane box? Ummm, no.
6. Do you have to get bathed? Only with my tongue
7. Are you in love? You bet, lovely Princess Mia Bella
8. Where would you like to travel to? I will stay home thank you.
9. What do you ignore? Anything I want to
10. How many lives have you used up? One
11. Do you have any dark secrets? If I do, I won't admit them here!
12. What is your favorite holiday? Anyone where I get pressies
13. Water or milk? Water
14. Why do you blog? Why not, nice way to meet other kitties
15. Are you into extremes?
16.Favorite TV shows? Not into TV
17. Are you a pesky lap cat? Nope
18. Inside or outside cat? Inside
19. What makes you happy? Having a nice furrever home to live in.
20. Your most embarrassing moment? Sorry, not going to admit to this one. A mancat has to keep his dignity.


  1. That was nice and to the point! You are a great mancat!

  2. Hi Derby!

    I concur with the above. You give nothing away and that's very intriguing. Nicely done, Derby.

    You might be interested to know that today's Sunday Scribblings is "Secret" so you can write a big post about "i'm not tellin'!!"

  3. I like all holidays with presents, too!

  4. Hi Derby - I agree with many of your answers. 'specially the presents one!


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