
Sunday, June 24, 2007

Sunday, Rest Day

Well sort of a rest day for mum. She does have the washy stuff to do, but she already finished the shopping part. And she promised to help me with my Secret Paw package later too.

So why does mum need rest today? Well she went off with her furiends yesterday and hung out at this place yeterday.
Some guys had a problem and are off the track, mum says they were off in the "kittie litter" as the big areas are just full of small stones. Mum says they need big equipment to get the debris/cars out sometimes. She is glad it is not her job to keep these areas clean.
So what does mum do? Well she calls it playing in traffic, but they line up the cars for sessions, making sure for races they are in the proper order. Here they have the last group of the day lined up for the race.
Then they come around behind the pace car and off they go. Let the racing begin.
But while mum and her furiends have fun while they work the event, they are always happy to see the final time that this flag gets waved. Then they can relax and chat with each other.
You can see the beginning of mum's one adult beverage, she will put some soda in this to dilute the stuff. Most everyone drinks beer, but mum doesn't care for beer.
Here you can see them chatting, even a new woofie, Tanner. Mum says Tanner is nice but was a rescue and is a little bit skittish around people yet. So he doesn't like getting petted, but will take a treat from ANYONE.
Then the race people fed them dinner and mum came home. She said they made a big change to the track this past winter. They now have a tunnel to go under the track to get out, instead of a bridge to go over the track. They took the bridge down so that the bridge supports were not close to the track. Seems a few people have gotten hurt at the bridge in the past, so it is gone and the area is wide open if a car goes off the track now. So down under the tunnels she goes.
The sun getting ready to set as mum drove home. She got home and she quick helped me with the meme. Then being tired took a shower and went to bed.


  1. Wow, it looks like your mum had a fun but busy day! No wonder she needs to rest!

    Thanks for the purrthday wishes!

  2. Mommy an her parents useta go to Road America all da time when Mommy was littler. She was all happy to see your Mommy's pickshures, she feels no-stal-ick now. An she's happy dat da road goes unner da track instead.

  3. OUr Daddy watches NASCAR alla time, so he watches the cars go round and round and they nefur get anyplace. I don't quite understand that, but I am still liddle.


  4. How cool!
    I am so happy to meet you! Thank you for visiting me and saying hello. I look forward to getting to know you more.
    Your friend - Frodo


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