
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Purrayer Vigil

I hope that all of you can join me on Thursday evening for the monthly Cat Blogoshpere purrayer vigil. I am hosting this month.

Monthly Healing Prayer Circle / Vigils

for all our Furriends & Their Families Who Need Prayers & Purrs

When: July 26, 2007 9pm EDT
(8pm Central, 7pm Mountain, 6pm Pacific)
World Time Converter Here

Where: Pet Prayer & Praise Blog

for a Live Chat @ Chatzy Circle/Vigil

Alternate Meeting Place (in Case of DPBlogger Issues):
Cat Blogosphere Blog

Who’s Invited: Efurrybody — ALL Cats & Friends
Hosted by Derby (that's me!)

I am getting my purrayer pose all ready for tomorrow. Hope to see you there.


  1. oh i hope i can come, my Mom and the Dad are going to be out and i hope they get home in time to get me on the computer. if i'm not there, please know i'm thinkin' about whoever needs prayers.

  2. We will try to come by, because we have some kitty furiends that are sick, and would appreciate prayers.

    ~ The Cats

  3. We are gonna try an pop in, even if just for a few minutes. Thanks for hosting the vigil Derby! So many fuzz and humans need prayers! C-ya this evening!

  4. We will try and stop in but our home computer is still being fixed and mom has been blogging at her hunting place (shh, that's a secret). But we will be say a prayer for all the kitties who need prayers and purrs. And for homeless kitties too.

    Nice prayer pose Derby.

  5. I'll try yet Mom is busy babysitting and lately forget everything...Humans.Love the pose :)

  6. Derby, we know we won't get there--too darned many humans around for us to use the computer. We'd like to thank you and whoever suggested her for having Georgia on the list. Momma says this week has been very stressful for her and she's not doing as well as we'd like.

  7. Please add Dorf if you haven't already! It's so good of you to host the Prayer Vigil.

    The feeding is going pretty well. He must be able to taste it, because he starts licking a lot while the feeding is going on.

    Luf, Us

  8. That is very nice of you to host the prayer vigil.

    I really like your prayer pose, it is furry cute.

  9. It is good to have a prayer vigil. You look very sweet. we will try to make it. There are many that need to be lifted up in prayer.

    Purrs, Princess

  10. Oh I'm all excited you're hosting the prayer vigil, Derby! You've been so good at helping out at them before, I bet you hosting is gonna just be the best! We'll see you there!

  11. We're going to try really hard to come! Usually that is a good time for us so most likely we'll be there. We certainly need purrayers for our horsey!


  12. Derby, could you please add a human? Mom's sister in law has been in a medically induced coma for 3 weeks. It is possibly west nile. She kept having convulsions and they don't know why.

  13. Hey Derby, I tagged you for a meme. Come over to my blog and see.

  14. That was a gurreat purrayer circle, thanks for hosting, Derby.


  15. Purrs, you look so serene in your purrayer pose.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.