
Saturday, July 21, 2007


It has been a wonderful weekend so far. Weather is nice, sunny but not hot. The neighborhood has been quiet too. Seems like lots of people aren't even home, which makes for a peaceful time.

Victor pick up on my Fat Paw Syndrome yesterday. I typed in Tabbly and not Tabby. Guess I invented a new type of kittie color. I know that Catfuious didn't talk about when to romance for every fur color or type of kittie. Guess you are on your own when to pick the right time for romance is.

Many of you commented about the flowers on the the post on Flower Friday. No mum does not bring them in for me to play with. I don't think they turn into sparkle balls, unless the toy fairy comes by and take them away to make them sparkle balls.

Victor also commented that his mum thought the flower was an allium. Mum says alliums bloom in the spring when the tulips and such are blooming. Here is a couple of pictures of them from this year. We even got one that turned white and not purple.
This is how the alliums look now, the flowers have dried and you can see the seeds of the plant. Mum leaves them in the garden so the birdies can eat the seeds.
Mum found one the the thistle flowers all opened up. She had to pull it down so she could get a good picture of the flower.
Even the bumbled bees like the flowers and so do the humming birds. But mum has never been able to get a picture of a hummer in our yard. At least not yet!

Hmmm, a big noisy metal monster has pulled up on the other side of the street. Mum calls it a bus. Seems it is picking up all sorts of people from the house across the street. Mum says they must be taking the bus to a party, then they are not drinking and driving. Too bad they can't just teleport there like we kitties do to a party.
I will nap some more, them work on mum to get some more treats.


  1. The flowers look nice .... but can you eat them? Do they smell good like the nip? I don't get why beans like them so much.

  2. those thistle flowers are way cool. they look very "tough" but pretty at the same time

  3. I like the picture of you napping and thinking about treats!

  4. Beautiful flowers!! And love the picture of you napping...back to the camera, lol! ;)

  5. Great Nap Picture, we need one now. We love those flowers. Stay away from the Bees!

    Purrs and Happy Treats!

  6. Have a great nap! I hope you get lots of treats.

  7. Those flowers are pretty. They do look like big sparkle balls!

  8. My sparkle balls are green. I wonder if I grew some green allium, the toy fairy would turn them into sparkle balls? Happy napping!

  9. That looks like a comfy place to nap!

  10. You look so comfortable. Makes me want to take a nap.

  11. You look so comfy on that couch napping - I could just teleport over and nap some with you...
    P.S. I LIKE sleeping. A lot!

  12. I always love to see your flower sharing, give me very much inspiration to draw~

  13. Oh, my you have toy fairies? WOW!!!! Do they hide out in your toy basket?



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