
Friday, December 21, 2007

Funky Fang Shui Friday

Inspect all growing and non-growing items in your vicinity. Eat those that give you good vibes, use rest as your Zen garden.
Yep, this one should be part of my Zen garden. Mum had this plant when I first moved in but over time I played with it too much and finally mum threw it out. Then she got a fake plant instead.

Mum said she won't have to go into work until after Christmas, so lots of mum time for the next few days. Yipee. Plus mum says she got a plant from her boss for Christmas, but she is leaving it at the office, so I won't eat it. Hmph. Probably not really worth eating!

We have had some sun and slightly warmer weather, so the snow is melting some. Not enough to make the snow all go away, but enough that mum is happy to see bare spots on the roof of the house. Plus it is supposed to get rain and then snow over the weekend.

All of our purrs must have worked, mum has not been all sneezy today. So she says lots of rest, more sleep and such for the next few days. That will help her feel lots better real soon.

The LOOOONNNNGGGGG holiday weekend is here!


  1. One must attend ones plants carefully. They show you if they are in the right places.

    We are currently attending our "brought-inside" nip plant VERY carefully. So far it seems pleased in the sunny spot, but we are also placing it where the strong winds to not blow from the floor. It likes that muchly.

  2. We haven't ever done that to plants. The woman is good at doing that without a feline helper...

    Glad to hear that it's warming a bit out there! We're bordering on more snow this weekend here--probably rain for a few more miles and then it will be snow up the road!

  3. Finally attention!

  4. My humans both have "black thumbs" so sadly, we don't have any plants.

    Enjoy spending time with your mom! :)

  5. Oh Mum - get lots of rest and drinks lots an lots of water. Haf a great long weekend.

  6. Oh boy! Extra Mom time! Nothing better than that!

  7. Yes, it is. You and your Mum have a wonderful holiday :-D

  8. i loves eating plants too. therefore, we is not allowed to have any in our house. - Sammy

  9. Mmmm....plants!! They are for eating.


  10. That plant looks like it was very Zen! Too bad she tossed it out.
    Enjoy your time with mom!

  11. We do not have any alive inside plants any more, except for a single orchid in the bathroom. My Mommie is no good at growing them.

  12. Mommy is good at killing plants all by herself, so she doesn't really need our help.

    We're glad your mom is feeling better! Enjoy your long week with your Mum!

  13. Have a Happy and Healthy Holiday Season Derby.

  14. Good work on that plant, Smiley Boy! We are apposed to get more white stuff tonight. It got cold after the rain, and the driveway, where the metal monster prowls, is a mess.

    I am just getting sick of Christmas songs and Daddy is too!


  15. Glad to hear your mum is getting better. Lots of chicken soup helps, and having some of your own makes for a yummy treat ... the chicken part.

    Have a Meowy Christmas, and stay warm.

  16. Yes attend those plants there Derby...Merry Christmas and thank you for all your kind purrs...meow


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