
Saturday, December 22, 2007

Shopping - Are You Done Yet?

Can I help you putting away all of the stuff in these bags?

Mum is done with her Christmas shopping and has been putting the stuff inside of pretty colored papers. But she won't put them under the tree as she doesn't want me to eat them or rip them open. At least not until Christmas.

Mum is trying to sleep extra as her head is stuffy and she is tired. I however wanted to wake her up early. So I jumped on the bed and starting doing Fat Eric's trick of licking her hair, she didn't get up until she wanted to get up.

Then she readed the paper things and then went to the store for food. She said she is not going into a store to shop for many days, too many crazy last minute people shopping. She got what she needed for her and Grampie, even buying stuff that she said the store was practically giving away.

Mum had looked last week at stuff for herself but didn't get anything. Then yesterday the stuff is even less AND she had a coupon for 15% more off. So she gotted herself some cute sleeping outfits, one with kitties on them, one with sheeps and a nice fluffy robe to help her keep warm as we sit on the couch and snuggle.

Winter is being strange. We had lots of snow and cold weather while it was still officially autumn, now that it is officially winter, we have warmer weather and lots of fog. So it it very dreary outside. The talking box people say it is going to rain, then get cold and bring some snow. So we will have a white Christmas here.


  1. Stay warm Derby. I think it's a good weekend to curl up and offer your human lots of purrs!

  2. It's actually warm here. All of our snow is melting :(

  3. You look very cute wearing that plastic bag.Kohl's seems like a very nice store. We don't have one in our area, but we see their qads on TV all the time.

  4. Merry Merry Christmas Derby... to you, and to all your family. And wishes for a big and beautiful new year ahead...

  5. Keep warm and cozy.
    Happy Christmas to you and your family Sweet Derby!

    We also do not have any packages with pretty papers under the tree. Mommie does not trust us.

    Love and hugs~~Prinnie

  6. You look like ya hafin a lot of fun in those bags! Neat.

    Be careful of them, though, they can get all tangly.

  7. wooks wike a fun pwastic bag you've got there Derby, but be careful!

  8. Mom shops a lot at that store too. She says its tough not to keep buying stuff when it is on sale like that, but she is trying to simplify and organize.
    Blowy & snowy here today too.

  9. Derby, that picture made me laugh a lot! I like to stick my head in the bag handles, too.

    I sure hope you mum feels better.

  10. I hope that you are staying warm. And I love your picture of you in the plastic bag. I Love getting into any kind of bags that come into my house!

    China Cat & I hope that you and your mum have a wonderful Christmas and that Santa Claws brings you lots of presents!

    Purrrrrs, Willow

  11. Haha! Those are funny pictures of you :-D

    That's nice that your Mum went out and did some holiday shopping for herself.

    BTW, what are you wearing on your neck? Did she get you a special holiday collar?


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