
Saturday, January 12, 2008

Missing Kitties

Hurty finger or no, I told mum we had to do this post today. The Feline Bureau of Investigation has issued two missing kittie reports.

If you have seen these kitties wandering around, please send them home. They are missed furry much.
Maobert, a Meezer and brofur of Skeezix, the white rat.

Annie of Krasota Castle a good looking Russian Black.

Neither is considered to be armed or dangerous, but maybe clawed and hissy.

That is all, now back to your regular routine.


  1. We really hope Mao and Annie are found soon.

    We are also sorry to hear about your mum - did not know she had hurt her finger! Hope it is getting better now. Big purrs from me, and I'll lick it better if it helps.

  2. We are hoping and prurryying for Mao and Annie's safe return!

    We had about an inch or two of snow today!

  3. We've got our paws crossed for Mao's & Annie's safe return too.

    Glad your mom's finger is healing.

    jans funny farm

  4. Derby,

    We iz all purrin' oevfur here fur deze kitteez & dere beanz. No one should be lostee. It iz a terrybull place to be. So we is wishin' & wishin' dat dey are found.

  5. Please God make them go home and I gave you an award!

  6. OH Derby, we hope these kitties find their way home soon!

    We just wanted to stop by and say hi to our colt's friend on the day of the big game. You ARE cheering for Indy, right?

    If you want to see something funny, you MUST stop by Sassy's blog. She is a Colt's cheerleader now! Hehehehehe! See ya at the big game!

    Opus and Roscoe

  7. We are purring for them, and Momma is lighting a candle.


  8. Oh, Derby, we're still waiting to hear good news of those two.

    Sassy was a cute cheerleader. And Opus & Roscoe? Fantastic players! Yet the Colts lost. :(

    Who is it you want everyone to cheer for now? The Packers?

    jans funny farm


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.