
Monday, January 14, 2008

ManCat Monday

There's no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat. - Wesley Bates
This is one of mum's favorite pictures of me. She took it shortly after I moved in with her.

Missing Kittie Update - Everyone is now home!! Yipee.

Mao made it home safely and Annie too! So the kittie vibes did well again for our furiends.

Football Frenzy

Plus the Packer rocked on Saturday. It didn't start out pretty but it ended well. The worse the weather the better they played. Mum did lots of clapping and cheering as the game went on, I even joined in with getting my furs temporarily dyed.
But I am bummed that my furiends Opus and Roscoe's team, The Colts, did not win.

Grampie was over and he and mum wanted the Giants to win. They did so that made them happy. Sorry Cowboy fans! The road to the Stupor Bowl will go through Green Bay!

So kitties show your colors!!

I know Darling Millie likes the Pats. I am not sure about kitties for the Chargers and Giants.


  1. I am the official cheerleader for the National Feline League, courtesy of the Zoolatry. I will cheer for any kitty team despite the fact that Maggie and Zoey put me in a red and white uniform. Being an Aussie kitty I only know that the San Dieo Charger, N.England Patriots and the Green Bay Packers are in for the playoff. Which is the fourth team?

  2. Go Chargers Go!

  3. OK, The Packers to win then!!!! Yay, Yay!! GO, GO, GOOOOOO!

  4. Thanks for stoppin by, yep the Colt got beat. I tried to cheer them on to a win but it just didn't work. The mom of the house if an old Green Bay fan so she will root for those guys to win, on to the super game.

  5. Oh if I showed my colors I would have had to admit to rooting for the Seahawks, that you Packers trounced this weekend. Sigh.

    Seahawks aren't used to that kind of weather!

  6. Derby, that is a lovely photo of you. I can see why your Mom likes it. Daddy rooted for your team even tho he is a Bears fan.

  7. love the packers colors Derby! And we are shur that Mia will love the PMB tattoo

  8. We love your table picture too Derby! And the Quote is excellent and very true!

  9. Congrats on your green and yellow team. We like Favre, so we were happy to see them win. We are Colts fans, so there's some moping in the house right now, but we expect to see Green Bay beat New England in the Super Bowl. It's destiny now. Go Packers!

  10. Ciao Derby!
    Thanks for your kind words. Do you think I can come stay with you for a couple of days? Roscoe hasn't stopped crying since the game and I am really starting to get tired of all the noise.

    Good game Colts! Better luck next year.



  11. Go, Dolphins, go! Well, I can always dream, right?

    That is a very wonderful photo of you, Derby.

  12. I love that picture of you!

    Mommy doesn't watch football, so I'm not sure what team I would want to win. The only sports I've really watched is soccer and hockey. They move fast enough to keep my attention.

  13. Derby, that's just the cutest picture of you! No wonder it's one of your mom's favorites.

    We're not much for football here, so we have to make our own frenzy.

  14. That is a very handsome picture of you!

  15. Eeeeek! I hope you have returned to your normal gingerness Derby, I find that picture furry disturbing.
    My mum doesn't understand Mericky football AT ALL so she doesn't have a team she supports. She quite likes baseball except if it is shown on TV here it is usually about 2 AM in the morning.
    Come and see my holiday photos!

  16. You look furry handsome in your picture. I'm rootin' for the Giants!!

  17. Derby, I like that picture of you too! It looks like you are deep in thought.

  18. Hey, Derby, I have got a cheerleader uniform for the Packers and all ready to cheer them on for the game on Sunday. Drop in and have a look later over the weekend and see if you approve of my routine.

    Yay, Yay! Go, Go, Gooooooo!!!!

  19. OK Derby, I have donned my uniform! Please come over and have a look to see if you like it. You can also give suggestions on chants and slogan and I shall try and work it into my routine.

  20. Our kitties don't care about football, so they won't be painting themselves with team colors. Sorry.

  21. Derby, your comment about houses with cats not needing sculptures really got me thinking! I decided to give you the Thinking Blogger Award because of it!

    Come visit my blog for details!

  22. Both of those pictures of you are wonderful!!!!!

  23. That is a very lovely picture of you Derby - no wonder you mum loves it.

    We're not routing for anyone - we're more of a hockey house, now if the lions were in it then maybe...

  24. Charger's!!!! Woot! That's a good picture of you in your team colors, Derby!


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