
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

You Want Me to Think?

I was awarded The Thinking Blogger Award by Tamra. The only issue I have with Tamra is that she called me a "HER".

I try not to think too hard. Simple stuff like "when should I take my next nap?" or "How do I get more treats from mum."

Those who receive this award are entrusted with 4 simple rules:

1. You must write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.

2. Acknowledge this post.

3. Optional: Proudly display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.

4. Go tell your humans to fork over the treats!

Opus and Roscoe of Catnaps in Italy What life is like living in Italy and not Mericky

KC, Missy and all at the Sherwood Shelter Life with a ton of kitties and a wonderful mom and had who help them.

Perfectly Parker A cutey lady cat who gives Smooches, which make you not think!

Brandi at Catitude A lovely lady cat who has always has maintained her dignity, even when life wasn't treating her very well.

Kashim & Othello Two more kitties living the European life style.

Step one done; step two done; step three done; step four - working on it!

Now I think I will have a nap.


  1. Congratulations on your award~
    You are so well deserved it~~

    And you choice very wonderful great blog, too~~

  2. I would hate for you to think too hard and be unable to partake in the vice presidential nap now Derby...

  3. Derby! I am glad I make you not think! Thanks for the awards, oh, and...Smooches! :)

  4. Thank you so much for our award! We just LOVE it!

    We are now cheering on the Packer, just for you Derby. At last Roscoe has stopped with the crying, but we might just come over and join you for the next game (if that is alright with you).

    Hugs from Italy,

  5. Concatulations on your award Derby! I really like the picture of you snoozing. I'm doing a lot of snoozing too!

  6. Yup! The nap is the best part!!!!!!!!!

  7. Congratulations on your award! You deserve it. I think you ought to take TWO naps to celebrate.

  8. That was a lot of hard thinking. You deserve a nap after that!

  9. Congratulations!

    Now that you mention it, a nap does sound good...

  10. Congratulations on your award :)

  11. Congratulations Derby! Actually, napping is a form of thinking isn't it? Especially is you are dreaming about treats or chasing mice or dreaming about ways to get into mischief.

  12. After mancat Monday? nocat could EVER mistake you for a her, Derbykins!

    purrrs, Prinnie

    ps: congrats on the very well deserved awardie!

  13. Derby-thanks for the correction! We had mom change it and gave you credit.

    We love the pictures!

  14. Concatyoolayshuns on your award Derby, and a good choice of cats to pass it on to.

  15. Concatulations on your award! That is what I did today.....nap!

  16. Congratulations, Derby, and I think your thoughts are perfect!

    A Haiku challenge would be fun! I don't remember a previous one ... who did it? Maybe we could co-organize one?



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