
Friday, January 18, 2008

Funky Fang Shui Friday

Ensure that you get in touch with your inner kitten. Playfulness is good to keep you young.
I love playing at any time of the day or night. Lately I have been playing with mum's light that she has on a table in the sleeping room. I like to push it over and chew on the shade. I have been starting my play at very dark o'clock in the morning. Mum is not happy as I wake her up.

She says she needs her beauty sleep. Yeah, I guess I would agree with that. So mum is telling me that if I continue to do this, I will get excluded from her sleeping room. It is going to get furry cold and I like to snuggle and sleep with her when it gets cold. I guess I better behave!

Woohoo, weekend time!


  1. We are a family of lamp pusher-overs too and it makes my mom just a bit cranky. But chewing the shade?

    Hmm....what's it taste like?

  2. Just don't chew the wire or you could find your furs standing on end! xxx

    P.S. The word verification says "bignotq" which for some reason has me in stitches, haha!

  3. Derby, yoor feets are really cute. We don't knock over lamps cuz dey is all floor lamps or ceiling lights.

  4. I always don't let michico has her beauty sleep~~
    I think we both do very same thing~~~

    But, Hey~~ I am so bored~~
    I need to play and I could do my own beauty sleep more~~

  5. Derby,

    I tinks you must gets your beauty sleep too! Da belly iz quite nice az well. Sleepin' fur beauty iz quite a nice occu-patient & I tinks you do it quite qell.

  6. Cute little tummy shot Derbs!

  7. if you get tossed out of the sleeping room, then pound on the door and holler continually until she lets you back in. for some reason, that's usually more annoying than what got you tossed otu

  8. hehe, that looks like a fun toy to play with! Sometimes when Dorydoo and me get rowdy Momma has to shut the sleepin room door, too.

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  9. I see that inner-kitten Derby! He looks like a lot of fun - leave the lamp alone! It's cold with no snuggles!

  10. That lamp sounds fun. I have no idea why your human is unhappy. I realize it wakes her up, but can't she sleep somewhere else?

  11. Hmmm, it is very hard to decide between snuggling and playing...

  12. That's just an empty threat Derby. She would miss you too much if she leaves you out of the bedroom. Keep warm this weekend!!!!!!

  13. We got locked out of the sleeping room. Once. But we Ma-ROWed and flung ourselves at the door so much that The Mom let us right back in. heh


  14. Be careful of those wires Derby! But I guess shades are ok.

  15. Dark o'clock is the furry bestest time of the night! Hi to my smiley boy!!


  16. That looks like a great toy to play with, Derby! Playing with lights, however, is not so good. We both love playing! Of course, Merlin is still a kitten, so he plays LOTS!

  17. my mom keeps saying that same thing... for some reason she doesn't like it when i sneak under covers and attack her feets.

  18. I try to keep my inner kitten alive & well, too, Derby!


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