
Saturday, January 19, 2008

Shivering Saturday

BRRRRRRRR. It is furry cold here. The heaty thing in the dungeon is running lots keeping us warm. Plus mum has covered up some of the windows so that the cold doesn't transfer into the house.

But she hasn't covered up the windows that the sun is shining in. I have lots of sun spots to nap in.

Finger Update

Mums finger is doing just fine. Here is a picture of the actual cut on the Wednesday night last week, the day after she cut it.
Here it is on last Saturday night. Much nicer, less red and she can bend her finger a bit more. She has sticky medicine cream on it to help it heal and not get infected.
This was a picture on this past Thursday night. Not red and healing wondefully.
On Friday morning mum wented to see the human VET and he took the little black stitches out. Says it is furry nice. Mum is happy to have the stitches out, they were beginning to itch.Plus we are getting ready for a big football game on Sunday evening. Mum is making plans so that she will have all of her weekend stuff done so she can watch both games. Mum won't pick on the AFC side, Pats or Bolts. But you know we want the Packers to win the NFC!I need lots of rest so I can cheer on the team. So I am all stretched out on my special viewing couch. Any Packer backers are welcome to come over to watch. I will have lots of kittie food for us to munch on while we watch. You will just have to get used to mum holloring and cheering! Stay warm.



  1. Wow! Derby you are definitely a big Packers fan!!!!

  2. Oh wow, that cut really healed up fast! And it looked like a bad one, too.

  3. Ooooh... we didn't know you were doing footsball, too... let's cheer together...

  4. Thanks for reminding us. Momo said we're supposed to cheer for your Packers this weekend.

    jans funny farm

  5. Oww! That looked like a bad cut. We are glad it is healing so well. Go Packers!!

  6. Owwwchieeeeeee that looks like it was sore. Mum hates stitches!! I am glad it has all healed up.

    Have a good weekend.

  7. Wow, I'm glad your Mom's cut is healing so well! *smile*

    Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

  8. Derby,
    I think you are very handsome.


    That must hurt!!!! I am so glad your mom's finger is doing fine now!!!!!!

    And great~!!!!! Having relax time on watching games~~~~ Don't use that finger doing anything but relax!!!!

  10. I'm shiverin's 1 degree here in Chicago. I'm sorry Derby, but I'm rootin' for the Giants. Glad to see your mom's cut is healing nicely. Go Giants!


  12. Cut is looking good. Isn't healing an amazing thing? I am glad you are getting some sun even though it's cold, we haven't had anything but rain and wind for days but at least it's above freezing. FAZ

  13. Your Mom's finger looks much better!
    We will root for the Packers since Daddy said it's OK since the Bears are all done for the season!

  14. OUCH! Dat wuz one big owie yur Mum got. We'll be ofur to watch da game wif yoo. Can't fink of a better couch to watch it from.

  15. Looking at those stitches kinda made our stomachs go all gooshy, but we are glad its almost better

  16. I am glad your Mom's finger is better! That is awonderful couch you have!

  17. Huh! Is THAT where Bein girls have their "operation"? Ayla's stitchies are on her TUMMY!

    Anyway, good luck to yer Packing Guys today... ;)

  18. Thank you's for stopping by. Molly is so happy she is home that WE actually sat 2 feet from each other sleeping with Mommy Bean!!

    Oh yes this football stuff, Mommy Bean is glads that the big male bean is off at the playoffs today for the Pats. She hates (and so don't I) how loud it gets in here when the games on the big moving picture thing.

  19. That couch looks comfy! But I am the cheerleader so I have to get on with the job!

    Go, Packers, Go!!!!

    AiO, AiO, it's off to the Super Bowl we go!

  20. Your Mom's finger looks a lot better!

    It's cold here today, too. Going to be very cold all week. Ack.

    Keep warm and enjoy the game!

  21. Though not as cold as you Whiskerconsin, we're cold as also. And, our hot air blower thingy is running lots too.

    Stitches ... OUCH!

  22. The Patriots got through. But SS has to work (a paying job, yipeee!) this afternoon. You'll have to update me with the news as I can't get onto the internet.

  23. Oh no, I didn't know that the mom got hurt. Too bad and sad I thop that it doesn't hurt too much. Are ya at the game tonight? Or are ya watching it from the warmth of your house???? It sure is cold up north. GO PACKERS!!!! Right now we are one point ahead.

  24. Go Packers! Glad to see that your beanmom's finger is doing much better.

    Stay warm!


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