
Friday, February 15, 2008

Funky Fang Shui Friday

Remember to be flexible, but don't flip flop. Arch your spine to keep supple.
We had more snow on Thursday. Only two inches says mum which is not a lot at one time. The worst of the storm went north of us for a change. But they are talking a big storm again on Sunday. I will teleport to the M-Cat Club's get together at the Daytoner 500 race., my favorite driver is Matt Kenseth, who is from Whiskerconsin. Mum can watch it on TV.

Plus we are getting bothered by election stuff. The primary election in Whiskerconsin is this coming Tuesday. All of the stories on TV, the ads and the phone calls. Sometimes mum answers the phone, then sets it down while the recorded message does its thing. That way they think they got to you. Otherwise she just lets the answering machine screen the calls. We had five of them Thursday evening from 5 to 7 PM.

Mum won't let me have a contest like the Piney Woods Cats about when the snow will leave, but is going to try to post a picture of the same spot each week or so. Our little area paper says we have had 80 inches of snow so far. That is taller than mum is and would be about 4.5 gizzy's.

Mum says the weekend will be busy. She has a meeting on Saturday morning. What, a meeting on Saturday? Oh not work related, but she is on a committee at our local library so she will be gone early. The will spend time with Grampie. Oh and yes, its her purrthday on Saturday!

Fevver Friday

This is a picture of Mr Red Breasted Nuthatch. The are cool birds, this one is little but he has a larger cousin who is white. The usually sit head down on the tree. Here is eating some of the suet to get fat to keep him warm.
It is Friday. Happy Weekend.


  1. lol @ Whiskerconsin. Thanks for the excellent stretching techniques!

  2. I hope that we have a strong showing in Wisconsin!

  3. Stay in Warm, Derby~!
    That bird you shot is so brave, they are not afraid of cold. I am so freezing here!

  4. We're glad we arent getting that snow stuff! But it has been so blowy a can wif a rock in it got knocked over! Thats not good eether...

  5. Hi Derby my sisters (Scylla & Charybdis) meet you last night at the chat.

    Boy do I feel sorry for Daddy after reading your blog. We are not use to cold so I bet he is freezing in Marinette.


  6. Oh I meant to ask if you were taking part in the Great Back Yard Bird Count, when I saw the picture of the bird in your post. ~Socks

  7. Have a happy weekend too! I love watching birdies!!

  8. we wil haf fun at the m-cats club on Sunday!! we like Matt Kenseth too, but our favorite driver is Kyle Petty.

  9. Hello Derby,

    What great stretching techniques! I tried them today but fell over on my side...theres always tomorrow!

  10. We just went all through that election stuff because our primary was this past Tuesday. My Mom put out a bird suet feeder but something took the suet, the suet holder and all!!

  11. That is a great picture of the birdie.

    Happy Birthday to your Grampie :-D I hope her and your Mum have a nice time celebrating her birthday together.

  12. Happy Birthday Derby's Mum!

    That is a very good picture of you arching your spine Derby, doesn't that feel great.

    Our snow has gone, but it is still quite cold out.

  13. Happy purrthday for tomorrow to your mum, Derby! Make sure you give her plenty of headbutts and purrs. My dad's purrthday was this week and I got up early so I could wake him up with hair licks on his pillow. I know he appreciated it.

    You are great at stretching. Hope your snow goes soon. We have pretty spring flowers here.

  14. WOnderful in flight capture of the nuthatch. The more fat the better for them. Good reminder for us to put some out for da birdies so we can watch dem better.

  15. We will be watching the race too. Matt Kenseth is one of our favorites as well. Happy Birthday to your mom! I hope she likes snow as a present. Gosh, you really do have crazy amounts of snow out there.


  16. SNOW?! Yuk - brrrrrrrr! You can come teleport over here fer some sunspots!

  17. Hey Derbster - hope you have an excellent weekend and stay warm in that snow. FAZ

  18. Happy Birthday to your pet human....have a great weekend.

  19. Passing on birthday wishes.

    Great pose Derby. Such style and grace!

    ~Goldie and Shade

  20. happy purrfday to your mum.
    You haf a good stretching tekneek and a nice supple back.

  21. Stay warm!!

    Oooh you are lucky you get to go to M-Cats club for the race. We are still boy cats but maybe one day we will be old enough.

    We're going to watch too, but it's our first time since we weren't born yet last time. Our mombeans favorite driver is Jimmie Johnson. She said she likes him because he is "hot"...whatever that means.

  22. here Birdie Birdie...

  23. Looks like you have very good posture! Nice birdie shot too!

  24. Stay warm and dry. Good to practice correct back arching techniques.

    Hope your mom had a happy, happy purrthday


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