
Monday, February 18, 2008

ManCat Monday

The cat is cryptic, and close to strange things which men cannot see. - H. P. Lovecraft
Checking for any cooties that mum might have missed! I smell and hear things that she doesn't!

First mum says thanks for the birthday wishes. The only bad thing is that she had to get up early so she could go to her meeting. Something about long range planning for the local library. My long range planning is when I can mooch my next treat! But mum said it was a good meeting. She came home for a while, then went to eat dinner with Grampie.

Sunday the weather was yukky again. Rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow. ::sigh:: Mum says that should be ::SIGH:: at least from her. But less snow than they predicted, which was very good

But I teleported down to Florida to be with my M-Cat Club furiends, we even had Sammy Meezer drive as a last minute replacement in the Daytoner 500. Sammy finished 20th. Not bad for a first timer. He beat lots of former champions. Way to go Sammy!

Someone asked if we did the Great Backyard Bird Count this winter. Yes we did. Actually mum participates in Project Feeder Watch, so she does the birdie counting every weekend during the winter. If you like to do birdie counts and watching, you can sign up too. They are still accepting people to sign up for this winter until the end of February. Or wait and sign up for next winter!


  1. Derby I love what you're doing! I love trash picking!


  2. I like trash picking time to time as well~!
    But Pamilla and Michico always stop me~!

  3. Happy belated birthday Derby's Mum. Derbs, did you find anything in there???

  4. Happy belated birthday to your mum, Derby! I see you got her snow for a present!

    We completely missed the bird count this year. It's too bad, too, because this year we've had phoebes regularly visit, and goldfinches, too. We don't get a big variety, so these guys are a big deal for us.

  5. was there anything good in the trash?
    thanks for rooting me on Derby, I really hadded a good time


  6. I am glad you got less snow than they predicted. We have been hearing that it is stopping the other candidates in their tracks. I am lucky to have a staunch Wiskerconsinite there to do the campaigning for us!

  7. I would count the birds in my garden but once I run out of claws I lose count. FAZ

  8. Cootie hunting is a lot of fun!

  9. Good job checking for cooties!! You are lucky you just have a little trash bin, otherwise you might fall in like we do.

  10. Would you teleport over and clean my bathroom please?

    Thanks for explaining why you spell your Mom "Mum", I love it:) xxx

  11. We love to pick in the trash too.. makes my pet human bonkers!

    Happy birthday to your mom!

  12. Hooray for less snow. The cold is yuccky but at least people can layer up and deal with it better. Or so our mom says.

  13. Trash! Fun!
    Happy lated purrthday to yore Mommy.
    Sanjee and the resta the Hotties

  14. Uh Oh Derby, are you supposed to be in the garbage can? All our garbage cans have lids so I never get to do that - darn.

  15. Happy belated Purrthday to your beanmom, Derbs!

    What did ya find in there?

  16. We have waaaay too many to Birdies to count them! We just hunt them.

  17. Oooh we could count birds, do we get to eat them too?!

  18. You're just helping out! Good kitty!

  19. Did you find anything good in there, Derby? I heard on the TV this morning that there was lots of snow up where you are - glad you didn't get too much! Happy belated Birthday to your Mum!

    Purrrrs, China Cat

  20. It looks like you are having fun getting toys out of the trash. We hope the snow melts for you soon.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  21. Looks like you're doing a fantastic job there, Derby!

  22. It's amazing what humans can miss in the trash can. We usually send Moses in to check it out...she's kinda nosey.

    We have an award for you...drop by!

  23. Oopps....trash picking is a strict NO-NO for the Spice Cats. They are good kitties and stay away from the trash.

  24. Derby what's in there? My mom gets all freaked out when I do that cuz she get afraid and thinks maybe she left some floss and I would get it...ingest would get caught in my intestines and then I'd have to have mom really panics far too often.

  25. Oh Derby, I see you're doing one of my very favorite things -- wastebasket diving!!

    Your friend


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.