
Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Keeping Up with the Piney Woods Cats

This is what they posted this afternoon about the snowstorm we are going to get. YIKES. It started snowing in the past hour.

We live in the area that says 14-18 inches target area. Mum got more stuff so that the snow eating monster will run. But she says if it is that deep her little machine will have a hard time eating the snow.

Mum also stocked up on food for the birdies today, we had gone through over 160 pounds of bird seed since Thanksgiving. The deep snow and cold weather makes the birdies very hungry.

Mum says it is time to snuggle on the couch. I agree!

UPDATE: Wednesday about 5 PM. I have been napping lots today and watching the birdies at the feeders in the storm. Mum had to refill all of the feeders late this afternoon. The birdies had eaten everything mum put out yesterday!

Mum worked from home, the company even sent out an e-mail to tell people to stay home.

We have had about 10 inches of snow so far. It is still snowing. Mum has used the snow eating monster three times today. Just to have it eat smaller amounts of snow at one time.

Guess we will continue to snuggle tonight.


  1. "Oh No" that's alot of snow.Stay warm and safe.

  2. Zoom zoom to you too!! I hopes you keeps warm and toasty over there and your mom keeps the fire going.

    It is a summer holiday day here so we are just about to tackle the garden.

    Poppy Q

  3. stay warm and safe Derby and Derby'smom

  4. Yes I hope you get lots of snuggle time with all of that white stuff. Its not very fun at all! The LL is happy if she never sees that stuff again.


  5. You are very nice to think of the birdies! Keep them fat and juicy!

    Hey, my pet human likes the Bud Clydesdales too!

    Skittles, The Huntress

  6. I hope you have lots of good food stored up. You need extra food when it is that cold.

  7. Stay warm up thee!! Momma's auntie lives in that same target area (Lake Geneva). Momma sez that she's glad we're where we are now and don't haf to deal wif snow much any more.
    ~Meeko & Kiara

  8. We're in the same boat. Oh how I miss the sunshines! Your mum is nice for feeding the birdies.

  9. Oh my. Stay warm and safe, you two! Our storm didn't amount to much but it's still cold cold cold. My mom filled all the feeders plus three auxiliary feeders, just in case.

  10. Ho-lee smokes!! That is crazy.
    Did I mentions I'm glad I'm a Califorina boy?

  11. We will be so happy when winter is over...won't you?

    Keep warm, stay inside.

    HUGS~ Chancy, Ernie's Voice & Jake

  12. Stay warm and snuggle! We are rained out! My poor back garden is slooshy and I can't go anywhere without getting my paws wet..

  13. O my goodness! Stay warm & snuggly, 'kay?

  14. Wow, more snow for you! We had some snow and then it rained and we have a mushy yard here, just like Momo's yard. But now it's getting colder again... Stay warm with your Mom, Derby!

    Purrrrrrs, China Cat

  15. Mom and dad stocked up on foods and sidewalk salt and stuff too! If dey close da schools tomorrow we might haf some sticky little beans come over and play on da little hill in our back yard. It's to small fur da bigger kids but da little ones like it.

  16. My goodness Derby.
    I tinks you better snuggle under da coverz & hide!

  17. I hope you and your Mom stay safe & warm. That is a lot of snow to be getting!
    Purrs Mickey

  18. Good times a'coming in terms of napping. I've decided to share my tips on how to enhance your napping experience. I hope they will help you with marathon napping during a snow storm.

    By the way, what exactly is snow? It was hot at my place today. Like summer time hot.
    My people feed birds but we don't have snow.

  19. Wow, that is a lot of snow. We don't really know what it is, but we have heard it is cold, and we don't like the cold. Stay warm, and snuggle with your mum.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  20. Good grief! That's a lot of snow. Here, we're fine, just floods...

  21. Definitely time to snuggle on the cough. We hopes yoo keeps warm n snuggly!

  22. Well I hope that means she's home with you today. That's an awful lot of snow!

  23. Wow - that's a lot of snow and now it's here in Michigan! Our Daddy is having trouble with his snow eating machine, the snow is too slushy.

    Stay warm!

  24. Oh my goodness . . . that is a lot of snow! Stay safe and warm, Derby!

  25. Oh it's so nice of your Mom to feed those birdies. yummy!

  26. We are so happy your mom feeds those birdies! Bet they appreciate too even if they don't say anything.
    hope the snow doesn't create too many hassles for you!

  27. EEEEEKKKKKK!!!!!! Enough of this white stuff already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  28. Hey, Derbs, glad you an yur Mom are warm an safe at home. Mom an the boy was home wif us today, but silly Dad wented to werk. We gots a bigger snow eatin monster this year that goes much faster than the old one so it hasn't been so bad.

    Mom measured 9 inches in the driveway tonight, an Dad cleared it dis mornin! What's a record an why are we breakin them?

  29. That is ALOT of snow. Please keep warm and safe.

  30. Brrrrrrr, stay warm and snuggle. I have never seen snow before, is it edible?

  31. Dear Derby! It is very cold here but all of our snow is gone for now. Goodness I hope you do not get too much more bad storms where you live! You must stay snuggled up safe and warm with your mum!
    Have you ever been to 10 Chimneys, the Lund estate about 40 miles west of you? Mommy would love to visit it some day.
    Your Packers should have played in the Super Bowl...they are a tough team!
    Love Miss Peach

  32. We're sendin yoo WARM purrs, Derby. We hopes yoo's ok in alla that snow!

  33. Hope you are still nice and warm.

    Shelby aka the fatman

  34. Amember how I am the Feline Finance Couselor and I inbested some cat monies? WEll, I got a great idea, Derby. We can sell SNOW!!!! I kinda lost all the monies (don't tell anycat) Well, I bought temptations with it.


  35. Wow, thats a lot of snow! We hope you are okay.


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.