
Monday, February 4, 2008

ManCat Monday

Kittens are born with their eyes shut. They open them in about six days, take a look around, then close them again for the better part of their lives. - Stephen Baker
We kitties are good at napping, but remember our ears are still awake!

We had a blast at our first M-Cat Club event for the Stouper Bowl. We watched the game, the ads, had lots of good food and beverages, fun visiting and letting our furs down in a mancat only atmosphere. We even had a few of our UK members drop in, Fat Eric and Eric and Flynn, although they don't know Mericky football at all, they just dropped by to hang out. Eric and Flynn were able to see it on their TV in the UK.

I am furry sorry to all of my blogging furiends who wanted the Pats to win. Darling Millie, Kaze and Miss Peach. It was a good and close game, but it just wasn't meant to be for the Pats.

The Giants took the lead with 35 seconds to go in the game. The Pats tried to get close enough to maybe try a field goal but they couldn't do it.

The ads were OK, nothing that special. I guess I liked Hank the Clydesdale the best myself.


  1. Too bad the Pats lost after such a good season.

  2. Derby, that is a lovely picture of you!

  3. Hmmm Someone wins, someone will lose. It can't help.
    But the most important is, enjoy the processing~!!!!

    You are very cute, Derby~!! I bet your ears are enjoy every single minutes!!

  4. Yes, the Pats lost their Perfect Season. But that's OK. Baseball starts soon!

  5. This is why we cats are the cwevewest. We know how important napping is!

  6. It was heartbreaking for the pats. I can see that the game wore you out Derby!

  7. we hadded a fun time at the party though!

  8. It was a very exciting game! I liked Hank the Clydesdale's commercial, too.

  9. I felt good for Hank that he was finally chosen to be on the team. He worked hard and deserved it!!


  10. hehe that saying bout the sleeping ia funny and true :)

    fanks for coming over to help us celebrate our birthday party, it was an honour to have you there xxx

  11. Purrrrrs Derby. That is very handsome picture of you.

  12. We didn't get to see the game or the commercials, but that's okay, we spent most of the time with our eyes closed anyway!!

    Great picture of you!!

  13. I am doing a cat tournament!!! All you have to do is take a picture of your cat with your hand showing a thumbs up sign(for proof that it is really your cat). I will be taking the first 32 cat pictures and the tournament will start once I get all 32 pictures. The winner of the Tournament will receive 32 dollars!!! I will pay through paypal but if you don’t have paypal we can work something else out. Your cat picture will go up against another person’s cat picture and depending on how many votes your picture gets compared to your opponents will determine who moves on to the next round. If your interested send your picture to along with the NAME of your Cat. Join fast before the 32 spots are filled up!!!

  14. Mommy and I watched the Puppy Bowl and the Kitty Half Time show . . . then switched over to watch Tom Petty at the half-time. We totally missed the exciting conclusion, but we were sorry to hear that the Pats lost.

    I had a great time at the party on Sunday!

  15. Ah Derby, you look so cute sleeping. I always enjoy your quotes.

  16. It looks to us like you efun smile in your sleep!

  17. We liked the screaming bug the best!

  18. Thanks for visiting my blog! It's vera nice to meet you, I hopes we can be good kitty friends.



Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.