
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

CFHF Raffle

You wanna get a chance or ten or twenty at the newest raffle. A fancy flashy box that you know your beans would just love to have. The foundation has to earn lots of green papers to apply for official charity status. Here is a word from the president of CFHF.

I thought I’d let you guys know where we stand in terms of becoming an actual charitable organization recognized by the IRS. We have a lot left to do and some of those things coming up are very expensive. We have already obtained our incorporation certificate which cost about $75. I am in the process of applying for a charitable submissions license which costs $100, our 502(c)(3) fees will be $750 which is our largest expense. We also have small expenses which certainly chip away at our costs; these include domain registration, chat rooms for meetings and newsletter services. All and all we really need about $1000 to truly be in the up and running as we would like to be. We understand this will take time, but we’re trying to move it along as quickly as possible with fund raisers for our operating or administration fund. ML, our chairperson of the fund raising committee, was kind enough to donate THIS WONDERFUL CAMERA. ML requested all donations from the camera go directly to our operating costs.

So we’re asking all you kitties out there to buy even just one raffle tickets to help us realize out dreams. Besides helping our organization reach its goals, you will have an opportunity to win this wonderful camera which Amazon lists at $465.99. Please check it out for all the product details. We want to thank for you all your support so far, we are a little over half way to all of our goals. We are very anxious to begin helping the kitties of the blogosphere and with your help we know we can reach our goals.

~Trish, President

Heck if every kittie from all of the blogs bought ONE ticket, that would be lots of green papers. I have over 200 linkies to blogs and some of the blogs have more than one kittie. So with mum doing the math 5 multiplied by 200 is a thousand dollars. I am sure I don't even have every kittie or pet blog either, and some will buy multiple tickets. If we do well with this raffle it will go a long way to earn the funds needed to help kitties and get the funds to file for official charity status.
If your beans get a cool camera, then they can take neat pictures like mum takes of me.

Go buy your tickets, you have until Midnight on Monday April 28! Go, do it now!


  1. That was a very good shout out by you Derby - we will do this.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  2. You make a good point Derby. And you make a great photo subject!

  3. Yes, Derby, it won't take many kitties to make a huge difference.

  4. We went over but it isn't open to kitties in Canada. :(

    We'll do the next one for sure.

  5. That's a good reminder Derby. I will have to see if I have anything in my tuna can...

  6. Too bad you have to live in the USA to play. I definately would have played. Maybe we can have a raffle that everyone could play!

  7. We will definately have to go and check it out.

  8. That *is a neat picture of you, Derby ... thanks for sharing this info!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.