
Monday, April 21, 2008

ManCat Monday

Anything not nailed down is a cat toy.
Me playing with the beads from the Christmas tree. Heck the whole tree could be a plaything. I did knock it over a few times before mum managed to put enough books on the base to hold it down!

Mum has been going crazy brushing me! She says I just walk by her and she is covered in furs, so she is helping me shed out my coat. I love my Zoom Groom, but I don't like being held so mum can do the brushing. But mum is determined, so unless I really get nasty with her, I will have to endure this for a while.

Concatulations to Russ for winning the Gizzy Quilt raffle for Laura and kitties through CFHF.

Mum did some work outside this weekend, sort of the final touches to just being able to enjoy the outside. She bought some stuff and planted seeds today. But before she could plant she had to soak the seeds overnight. So about o'dark thirty I knocked it off the counter where she thought I couldn't get at it. So she heard the cup go clunk on the floor, got up, picked up the seeds, put more water in the cup and then put it inside a cupboard. Then she went back to sleep.
Then in the afternoon she put the seeds in the dirt and took them outside to get warm in the sun. If you biggify the picture you can see the four types of seeds she started. I think I am going to like the stuff on the right the best.

Then mum relaxed and read a book, she even took me outside in my porch too. then cooked her dinner on the grill.
She cooked her chick-hen on the grill, said it tasted good with a marinade of honey mustard. I got a little taste too!
Plus mum got a plant from the neighbors, it is a pussy-willow and there are a few soft and fuzzy catkins on it this spring.


  1. Derby, we agree, anything that is not nailed down is a cat toy. We love that you get to go outside in your tent!! We need one of those if we were to go out into the streets of Brooklyn.

  2. That chicken looks delicious. Of course anything not nailed down is a cat toy. What else would it be?

  3. What a great tent! And your squillion got to go outside too!


  4. Grilled chicken! Yum! There was a lot of planting here this weekend too!

  5. The world and everything in it is a cat toy! Mom loves Pussy Willows. She hasn't seen any in a long time, since her childhood New England days. That was a very, very long time ago.

  6. Everything belongs to us... we just let them borrow and use the things.

  7. You had a great weekend! That chicken you got looks very tasty, as does your Mum's dinner. I hope Mr. and Mrs. Mallard come back to visit you again.

  8. It sure looks like you had a wonderful weekend. And how lucky to be able to have fresh catnip some day!

  9. That cat porch you have these is pretty awesome! I've got to find one.

  10. Oooh pussy-willows!! The Lap Lady LOVES those! Latte is weird with the Zoom Groom- he loves it but he kind of crawls away with his front feet the whole time. Odd little fellow! Chase just has to be taken on the back deck because he's SO furry.


  11. Even nailed down can be cat toys if you are persistant enough : )

    My Mum brushes me every second night. She has 4 brushes, the two old brushes that I like to use to wipe my cheeks on while she Furminates me and then she uses the Zoom Groom at the end. It is quite the process, but I have so much fur to lose.

  12. That tent is a pretty neat way for you to be outside with your mum, Derby. I like that chick-hen picture, it makes me drool!

  13. YUM! Chick-hen on da grill! Yoo like dat outside tent Derby? Dat might be an option for me since I'm ascaird of da outside and I would run away.

  14. You are so right! All the items are my playthings.

  15. Dennis wants an outside tent!!!! and chicken! roast chicken!

    Derby is probably nicer than Dennis.

  16. There's a distinction between "nailed down" an' "not nailed down"? EFURRYTHING is a cat toy if you're motivated enough.

    I really like your outside cube. Maybe my mom would let me get one of those? Hmm ...

  17. MOL about the fur. The Big Thing just lifs wif it. Ha ha, we rool!

  18. What a fun Monday you have there!


    1st ManCat Monday furr Big Brother Bunjie, Meaouwy Troops leader

  19. Chick-hen looks yummy. Of course everything is a cat toy. Just too bad if it is nailed down. Your mommy has been bizzy!

  20. moon flowers are gorgeous! tell your mom to be careful of the morning glories! our mom still has them growing her her garden and she has not planted them in 8 years. she says bad werds to them because they grow on everything - trees, bushes, roses, peppers. she cannot get rid of them! but they are purrty.

  21. Just wanted to stop by and wish you a very happy earth day!
    Opus and Rosce

  22. Dennis wants a pussy willow. Does it need to be in a moist spot?

  23. The outdoors looks wonderful Derby . . . but I think the best was probably that CHICKEN!

  24. (gasp) You got to go out on your porch already?!

    Mom, Derby is out on his porch so you need to ring ours up from the basement. We need to go OUT!

  25. what a great day! i'm with you on the toys. anything is fair game!

    i love your tent. how fun. i'm glad you got to enjoy nummy nummy chicken. you have such a great yard.

  26. dat look like sum good meats. can i hav?

  27. Is you gonna git yer furry own nip plant?!

  28. Looks like a really nice day. Warm sunshine, toys (i.e., anything not nailed down), and yummy treats.

  29. Wow Derby, it looks like you had a great weekend. The chicken looks very good. Mom will share chicken with us when she grills it. She likes to use lemon juice and herbs to baste it as it grills.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  30. derb,
    nice uv yer squillion to join u owtside.
    mi mom hasta get a noo grill dis yeer. lookin at yerz made me long fer doze meelz cooked in da grate owtdoorz!

  31. Pussy Willow is a well named plant!!
    Your mom had a good weekend and you even got to go out! Terriffic!

  32. Wow, you had a good day. Lots of interesting things, including outdoors and chicken on the grill.

  33. What a gweat weekend you had!

  34. Derby, you got a taste of chicken - cool beans! I like your porch ...

  35. Yummy chicken!What a nice day you must have had!!!

  36. Yum Derby!!! Your momee cooked my flavorite! Canz I come oevfur fur dinner?

  37. Whoa. I want a porch like that. How cool!


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