
Friday, May 30, 2008

Funky Fang Shui Friday

If you must bite the hand that feeds you, be gentle. You still want them to feed you.
I like to put the bitey on mum, but not so hard that it breaks the skin. Hard enough to let her know to quit messing with me!

I will be teleporting off to Karl & Ruis's wedding. This should be an interesting day as the wedding will be held in a spaceship. I don't think I have been on a spaceship before. So I will see most of you kitties there. Concatulations to Karl and Ruis, may you have many happy years together.

Flower Friday
This tulip is multicolored but the rest of them mum planted are all solid colored. But it is pretty anyway. Below you can see the rest of the tulips as one color. These are the last of the tulips to be blooming. Plus mum and I saw a hummer bird the other day! Happy weekend.


  1. We usually knock/gently nudge Mums hand when she's filling our food bowls and the crunchys sometimes fall and we get to it first... She can be slow in topping-up, so we help her! hahaha
    Happy Friday! :D

  2. The only time Mom gets a bite is when she is testing Tiki's blood on his right front paw. That is the only paw that hurts. And I mean it then - I have drawn her blood. I want her to stop - mol.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  3. Beautiful flowers. Be careful putting the bitey on your Mommy!

  4. Shade does that quite a bit, especially when she's being brushed. She really hates that.

    Your flowers are very pretty, love the colours.:)


  5. We sometimes are forced to give Mom a little bitey too, when she ignores our "Cut that out Mom" meow. Lovely tulips. We didn't plant any tulips this year for some reason.

  6. I give mom a bit of a bitey from time to time - just to make sure she knows who's the boss!

    We'll see you at the wedding!

  7. We agree, sometimes a bitey is needed. That's an unusual tulip. Have a good weekend.

  8. That is very wise Derby. I am not much of a biter, but Georgia was--and she bit HARD.

  9. I bite pretty hard, but I do not break the skin. I like to leave little tooth-shaped indentations in the skin though!

  10. I love to put the bitey on my Awesome Man and he doesn't seem to mind. The tulips are really pretty! We're into azaleas over here and even those are on their way out.


  11. kicking in the head works well for me. Miles reaches up and pets mommy's face. Billy, well he just usually runs over her. - Sammy

  12. I agree, sometimes you have to put the bitey on your bean.

    I hope the wedding was fabulous!

    Those tulips are gorgeous!

  13. Hi Derby, we got your warning about the aloe vera plant being toxic and making you sick. Our plant is closely related to the aloe and called 'Gasteria' or ox tongue. Mom helped us and we looked it up. We don't want to take chances - 'closely related' is too close. We will find it a new home. Thanks for the warning.

    Mindy & Moe

  14. Ooh, we love the hummer birdies. An we dont efen TRY to catch them. They is too cute.

  15. I put the bitey on dad when he Zoom Grooms me. It's not cuz I don't like it, it's cuz I get so excited.

  16. Does she taste like chicken? Daddy does!

  17. Yup! I gave mom one of those warnign bites just the other day !
    Beautiful tulips!

  18. Your tulips are very lovely, Derby. Remember, we only bite the ones we love, right?

  19. Biteys are fun - Mom likes to tickle my tummy so I'll do it!

  20. Nubi does not understand this concept!
    Have a great weekend!

  21. Those are pretty flowers.

    Yes hedgehogs are under threat, not quite endangered but their numbers have dropped sharply in the UK as habitats are destroyed and also they tend to get run over on the roads a lot so people are encouraged to look after them. They are my dad's favourite animal...apart from me of course!

  22. Yikes!!!! I do da same ting... only sometimez I forgets & bites a itty bitty bit too hard.
    Now doze are some purrty twolips. Haz you tried liftin' your tail on 'em???
    I justee cannots stop myself outside... da flowerzez justee seem to say, "Hey! Doctor!!! Oevfur here!"

  23. The hand that feeds me gets cranky if I bite it. So mostly I don't. hehe

  24. I like to put the bitey on my mom(hey she deserves it),Beautiful flowers :)

  25. Lego bites all the time with don't know reason~
    I bite only I want to play with beans!


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