
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Jump and Shout




Thanks for helping CFHF out Kimo and Sabi.

It is me, Derby, who else! Jumping and shouting for Kimo and Sabi's contest. I hope you like my pictures guys.

It got furry cold again, even mum got a heavy shirt out to wear on Tuesday. Then when she was sitting and reading she wrapped the warm kittie blanket around her legs.

Then she had to get up to fix dinner and I moved in to get some of the warmth and mum saw me, so guess what she did?
She covered me up with the blankie! I normally don't like to be under the covers, but this felt good.
She kissed me on top of the head and wished me a nice nap. Thanks mum!
Mr Hendrix asked about the War Dogs from the purrade. They are woofies who have been in the services as part of the K-9 corp and are now retired. So these guys have served our country as well. But like the rest of us, wish they could just be Paws for Peace. They had lots of woofies but mum couldn't get pictures of them all. Lots of German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Poodles, even a small little Yorkshire terrier, who didn't walk the purrade route but rode in a an upside down combat helmet carried by the owner. I know a lot of us don't like woofies, but we owe them a paw of gratitude for helping out the beans.


  1. I generally don't like to be covered either but with this ridiculous weather that goes hot-cold you never can tell what you'll be in the mood for.


  2. We agree, most of the time we don't like to be covered - but every once and a while a snuggle under the covers is nice!

    Great jumping and shouting Derby!

  3. WOWY - you really did git yer mom off her tushy! Good job in both categories!

    P.S. - stay warm!

  4. Great entries!!!! I hope it warms up soon. It is chilly here too!

  5. Great job on da jump and shout Derby. Sometimes it's good to sleep all snuggled under da blankets. Espeshully when mom kisses us and tells us to have a nice nap!

  6. Excellent jumping and shouting!

    I am very proud of the doggies who served our country.

  7. Boy, you've got it made, Derby! Did you enjoy your nap?

    By the way, great jump & shout poses!

  8. Awwww, you look so adorabble all snuggled up undur the cofurs! Sometimes I like bein under cofurs, too, and Dorydoo loves it. She spends lots of naptime as a Dorylump under Momma's quilt!

    Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

  9. How nice that she covered you up in a nice way that you would stay under the covers. Josie comes in at night and gets under the covers against Mom in bed.

    Get jump and shot pics.

  10. Ah Derby, you look so nice and cozy all covered up and napping. The one picture with the cat on the blanket confused me at first, I thought you had friends over : )

  11. Good jump and shout, Derby.
    And thanks for stopping by my blog and wishing me a Happy Birthday and Gotcha Day.
    Missy Blue Eyes

  12. It's bein cold where yoo are now so it will be warmer longer at da end of da year. At least dat's what we hopes.

    Derby dat is da best shouting picshure I seen yet!

    ~Angie (Beau Beau is in recovery at home) Da nasty vet reely did steal his teefies.

  13. Great pictures, Derby!

    As for the blankey, I don't like to be covered up either, I like to be on top of it!

  14. That is a great jump and shout, Sassy! You look so cozy under those blankets, too.

    Mindy & Moe

  15. Great pictures, Derby!

    As for the blankey, I don't like to be covered up either, I like to be on top of it!

  16. Those were good jump'n shout entries!!

    You looked snug as a bug in a rug. Er, I mean, cat in a rug!

  17. It's great they put some of the war woofies in the parade. They deserve honor for their work and loyalty too.

    Your entries are good but we really like your shout one.


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