
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Doing the Q

This is Smokey, the woofie of one of mum's furiends. He does the Q very nicely. Here he is at his house looking out the windows that go to the floor.
I don't do the Q, and mum hasn't gotten a picture of me doing the full monty. So not sure if I will be able to enter the contest. I have just been chillaxin on my bed.
Glad you like my voice, I understand I have gotten a few of the ladycats all excited when listening to my voice. MEORRWWWW to all of you.


  1. We like your bed Derby. It looks very comfortable. Mom isn't sure if she can get a picture of us doing a Monty or not.

    Our last schnauzer was really good at doing the Q. She looked kind of like your friend Smokey.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  2. I think I am too shy to enter that contest...I don't like people lookin at my man-cat parts...

    Oh and I like UNDER the bed, not ON it! ^_^

  3. I don't do the Q, but I always do the full monty. Very nice bed.

  4. Your doggie friend is cute Derby!

  5. You sure have a comfy lookin' bed. I'm practicing my Full Monty, as I don't Q either.

  6. Well I think you look very comfortable even if you aren't doing the q.

  7. We are still waiting for Mommy to submit out photos....MOMMY....GET TO IT!!!

    We can do the Q pretty well!

  8. Oh my mum keeps trying to catch me doing the Q or the full monty too!! She's going to have to have a look at recent pictures to see if she can find any.

    Good luck Derby, I noes you can do it!!

  9. We don't do the Q as much as we do the full monty, but we're looking forward to the contest. It's always fun!

  10. Don't worry, Derby... we don't do the Q either. On the upside, it means we're quite comfy in other ways! To each his own!

  11. we doesn't do the Q either. Only Sammy does a full monty, I will do a half monty with a twist, and Billy never ever shows his belly

  12. MEEZZEEE to you to Derby!! I don't do the Q or the Full Monty so I can't enter. We've been trying to get a good picture of Chase doing either but he's being non-compliant.


  13. Derby, my brother Sam entered the contest doing the Full Monty! He does it so well ... hee hee! My Momma had to listen to your voice again, she just loves it!
    Thanks for helping me celebrate my birthday Tuesday, it was SO much fun!
    Purrs and headbutts,

  14. That woofie friend is cute laying there all alert looking out the window.

  15. I do not know how to do the Q, either. I can do the Full Monty though!

    Smokey is cute.

  16. The PM keeps trying to get me in one of those poses too. I do it all night long while she sleeps!

    purrs Goldie

  17. nice comfy bed Derby. i don't do the Q either, but I do the Monty. Now I just need to get mommy to take a picture!

    that woofie looks cute doing the Q.

  18. I don't much do the Q either ... very rarely. Smokey's very nice-looking!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.