
Monday, July 14, 2008

ManCat Monday

Who amoung us hasn't envied a cat's ability to ignore the cares of daily live and to relax completely. - Karen Brademeyer
This is me just all stretched out on the coffee table in front of mum. She was probably furry busy on the puter or reading the newsy paper or whatever else she does that keeps her so busy. Me I just crash wherever and whenever I can.

Mum left me on my own this weekend for the most part. She was off being busy with some of her friends.

Glad you like to hear my real, very own meows. If you didn't hear them yet see the post before!


  1. We're sorry you were alone all weekend but at least yoiu didn't have to work! Mom was painting all weekend and we had to do a lot of snoopervising. We plan to nap all day while Mom's at work.

  2. You look so comfortable and happy!

  3. You look comfy Derby. It's so nice of you to allow your person to go off with humans over the weekend.

  4. those magaiznes or books or whatever they are would have been so whapped before I laid down there.

  5. We like to just crash wherever mom is too.

  6. As long as she left lots of crunchies for you being alone probably wasn't too bad.

    We really liked hearing you manly kitty voice! Great articulation of your needs...FOOD PLEASE!

  7. Hmmm... on top of the coffee table is one of the very few places no one has tried to nap in the apartment...

    The Purries from Purrchance To Dream
    and Not The Mama, too!

  8. Love the quote. Wouldn't it be wonderful if beans would actually learn something from us fur kitties?

  9. It looks like you found a comfy spot. Sorry you didn't get to spend much time with your mum this weekend, but I guess we have to let them out once in awhile.

  10. Uh oh. My sis Olivia all excited hearing your voice, Derby!

  11. You look very comfortable. We were alone most of the weekend too. Mom's can be so inconsiderate.

    Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

  12. Derby, that was GREAT meowing!!!! It's good to hear you, dude.

    Georg & Max

  13. we loved the meows! very cool! we'll have to try to do that too. Cocoa does that meow/trill thing when he wants to be loved too.

  14. We loved yur lovely meows. Yoo doin what we am doin - jus chillin'.

  15. Oh Derby, you look so relaxed!

  16. Hi Derby! Well, my people did think of you, but they did not pronounce the name of your town correctly. That is probably why you did not know they were waving at you! I am sure you and your people have run into this problem before.

    Many purrs, Halloween

  17. Oh, you are lucky to get to lay on the coffee table! My dad doesn't like it when I jump on any table. I also liked hearing you meowing on the previous post! I looked but I couldn't find you here!

    Purrrrrrrs, Willow

  18. Oh Derby your voice is really really cool!! I was trying to find you in our house but I didn't see you. Were you hidden??


  19. Ooo, ya look soooo comfy! Rascal likes piles to lay on too.

  20. you look very comfy Derby! beans could learn about relaxing from us for sure! i'm sorry you were lonely all weekend, i would have popped over!

    i love your Voki voices! you have a great voice. i'm glad your mommy knows what you're saying. that is a great idea!

  21. You look very comfy up there, Derby.
    ~ KittyBoy

  22. Mancats should stretch out wherever they want to!


Don't be shy, we loves to hear your meows and mews.